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"Wake up, Patrick! C'mon, we gotta go!"

Pete is shouting and Patrick doesn't know why, but what he does know is that Pete needs to shut his mouth so he can go back to sleep. And to make that clear to him he groans, "Pete. Shut. Up. For the love of God, please, shut the hell up." but that doesn't stop Pete from shouting, if anything he gets even louder.

"I mean it, Patrick, get up! We have to leave right now!"

Patrick lifts his head to see several suitcases and duffel bags packed full, including Patrick's. He sits up and grabs his glasses. "What's going on?"

"I thought- We've got...fuck. I can't- I'll tell you later, okay. Just put your shoes on so we can go." Pete stammered frantically, carrying Patrick's guitar by the neck and a bass strapped over his shoulder that Patrick's never seen before. Hey, if Patrick's guitar isn't essential then the bass should be no exception. But now was no time to argue, they apparently had to leave right this minute, so Patrick complies without another word. They packed Pete's trunk with the bags and put the instruments in on top of them, slamming it shut and then getting on the road.

Pete was driving on the freeway pushing seventy in a sixty and Patrick is laying in the back seat, mostly because it gave him a reason catch up on sleep. It's dark outside, but Patrick couldn't rest with the thought of how they suddenly abandoned Pete's apartment.
It was strange and Patrick didn't know why they had to leave in such a rush. He wants to ask Pete why but instead sits up and says, "You might want to slow down."

Pete does, slowing down to sixty-three. The last thing they need right now is to be pulled over. Patrick wants an explanation, needs one.

He climbs over into the passenger seat and buckles himself in. "What's going on, Pete? Why'd we leave?"

Pete takes a hand off the wheel to comb it through his hair anxiously. "I knew we'd have to ditch the place after I broke you out, but I thought we'd have more time, a couple days or so. I was wrong. Someone saw me; saw what I did and called me from an unknown number. I don't know who it was." Pete breathed deep and slow, trying to calm himself. "I didn't know what else to do, running was our only option."

Patrick could relate, he's been running for three years. He would have abandoned his family home much sooner if he had the money but in a way he's grateful that he stayed. If he would've left three months ago then he'd have never met Pete, the only source of protection he has now. Mainly, he was just glad to have somebody by his side.

"It's alright," Patrick says comfortingly. "we'll be okay."

Pete exhales slowly then nods.

"Why'd you bring me though? You could've just, I don't know, left me there."

Pete glances over. "Didn't feel right to leave you behind." Is the only answer Pete provides.

The car goes quiet, Pete focusing on his driving and Patrick gazing out the window. So many things are going to have to change, for Pete most of all. Patrick's been from place to place countless times and made sure to never get attached to anything except his guitar. But Pete had a job and a home and Patrick can't help but feel like he's taken that away from him. If it wasn't for Patrick, Pete would still have those things. He feels like he's just weighing Pete down and forcing his problems on him. But then again, they still had that deal going, right? Not exactly, If Pete no longer works for the police then there will be no fame and praise for him to receive, he can't even arrest Patrick anymore. Why is Pete still doing this when he gets nothing out of it? Patrick wishes he knew.

"Where are we going?"

"Y'know, you ask that question a lot."

Patrick rolls his eyes. "I ask because you never tell me."

"Well this time it's because I don't know where we're going. We've got about," Pete checks the gas gauge. "half a tank so let's see where it takes us."

"Oh God, Pete. You are going to get us lost."

"The best thing we can do right now is get lost."

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