Chapter Thirty One: Coke and Vodka

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Lola POV: 

My vision went blury, I could just see Alex pull away from Arielles lips.

Alex POV: 

I pulled my lips away from hers. Hers where soft and tasted of vaillina like they always did. I slowly opened my eyes. She held my gaze, untill what felt like forever she turned her head and smriked at something. I looked at her confused. I turned my head to see Lola standing there, my heart sunk with gilt. Shit did she just see wha happened? I couldnt take my eyes of her. She took a deep breath in and looked down at the floor. She pushed past and started walking down the stairs. I stood frozen on the spot I tried to move but i couldnt even budge, like someone had nailed my feet to the . I herd Airelle laugh.

"Does this mean we are back togther now?" She said flinging her arms around me. I was still looking at the spot that Lola once stood. I unclasped myslef from Airelle and ran down the stairs to catch up with Lola. I searched all in the living room, kitchen and dinning room. She was no where to be seen. I saw Miles wonder up the stairs so i followed him. 

Lola POV: 

I walked down the stairs as i tried to contain myself from breaking down into tears. I used the back of my hand to whip away a few tears that managed to escape and where now rolling down my check.I looked around for Sam, where was she? I walked into the dinning room to see Evan standing at the table talking to two boys who where in his English class. I walked over to him. He imditaly caught my eye and his smile dropped, and quickly made his way over to me. 

"Lola what happened?" He said pulling me into his arms. I explained the story to him as i felt the warmth warm me up. 

"Look why dont we get out of here? Come back to mine. This party is pretty dead for me, i dont really know anyway" He frowned. I agreeed with him as we made our way to the front door. 

"Oh wait, im meant to be staying here tonight, Im gonna go and find Sam let her know where i am" 

"Alright, i will be waiting" He smiled. Turned back to smile at him to, he had such a warm smile it gave me butterflies.

I wondered around the living room to try and find Sam. When I did i found her sitting on the sofa getting off with some guy called Harrison. I quickly turned on my heels and walked back to Evan. I will text her later. 

Me and Evan left to go to his house. We got on the bus and sat right at the back. 

"I cant belive he did that, he is such a prick to you" I herd Evan say as i looked down at my phone waiting for a call or text from Al saying that he was sorry. I sighed and placed the phone back in my bag. I rested my head on his shoulder and shut my eyes for a moment.

Alex POV: 

I wondered upstairs to see Miles talking Airelle. She smirked at me when i reached the top of the stairs. 

"What did you do that for?" I shouted over the music

"Cause I love you Al, Please take me back, i will never cheat on you again. She doesnt disever you, your too good for her!" She wobbled over to me swinging her arm over my shoulder. I rolled my eye. I grabbed my phone out of my pocked and started to text Lola. Miles grabbed my phone out of my hand and placed it in his back pocket.

"Come on! No phones, tonight we are going to get pissed!" Miles said screamed. I grapped the drink out of Miles hand and took a big gulp. I shivered at the taste. 

"Mate was is this?" 

"Diet coke and vodka" I shrugged as i downed the rest of the drink. Arielle squeed in exment and clapped her hands, Miles cheered at the same time. This night was already a disaster. The best way to get rid of the memories is by getting pissed out of my head.  



Hey Guys!!
I am sooooo sorry i havent posted in a while. This whole easter i have pretty much been working.... such a drag! :( Have to admit the Vertigo video is amazing!!!! Alex is just amazing as usual :P 

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! 

Thanks for reading :) 

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