Episode 41

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"Revelation pt

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"Revelation pt. 1"

It has been a week now since the Class D caused a chaos on Hanguk University.

Because of what happened there, they are tasked to clean the school building A every dismissal for a month.

The whole school building! For a month!

The Class D are busy cleaning the hallways on the third floor when an unexpected guest suddenly came.

"Jungkook-ah! Can I speak to you for a minute?" Mother Lee suddenly came.

Jungkook could only nod at her request as the mother and son pair walked out of the building.

"Haish..I wish my mother would come too to fetch me from this missery!" Bam whined.

Nayeon immediately smacked his head as she says,"Instead of whining, just do your job at cleaning just so that we could go home earlier! Psshh what a baby"

Lisa looked at the sinking figures of Jungkook and his mother. Her mouth twitched when she remembered how Mother Lee looked at her a while ago.

It's as if she's looking down on her.

After half an hour, the Class D finally finished their cleaning.

All of them walked out of the University as if their energies were sucked out by the school. They all look like walking zombies in the daylight.

They all bid their goodbyes before walking in different directions.

Lisa stood there at the gate of the school as she waited for Jungkook.

"Shall we go now?" Lisa immediately smiled when she heard that voice. She turned around and nodded happily.

The two are now walking quietly in the sidewalk.

Lisa looked at Jungkook.

"What did your mother told you just now?" Lisa asked.

"She wanted me to go to her final trial for tomorrow"

The two fell quiet again.

Every steps they took were synchronized.

"You should attend her trial" Lisa finally broke the silence.


After for what seems like an hour, both of them are now standing outside the Manoban gates.

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