Episode 47

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Lisa immediately looked up to Mother Manoban as she shook her head as a no.

"I don't want to. I'm happier with people that I know around me"

Mother Manoban ended up obliging the wish of her daughter.

The next day, the quiet residence of the Manoban became chaotic.

It was because a noisy girl keeps on hitting their front gate.

"Kang Lisa! I swear if you don't come out now I'm going to call the rescue team to get you out of there!"

Mother Manoban held her aching head as she looked at one of the maids.

"How long has she been there?" She asked.

The maid bowed slowly as she answered,"She's there for almost an hour now Madame"

Mother Manoban took a deep breath out of frustration before she soon stood up.

"Open the gates" Mother Manoban commanded as she approached the gate.

When the gates opened, an elegant looking woman came to view.

"Who are you young miss? Why are you looking for my daughter?" Mother Manoban asked.

The girl that was about to throw her heels at the gates immediately retreated back as she wear her heels back.

"Phew! Finally, I thought this was an abandoned mansion!"

The girl then immediately walked inside as she walked passed Mother Manoban.

Mother Manoban's brows furrowed.

Just who the hell is this girl?!

"Excuse me? Where do you think you're going? Who are you anyways?" Mother Manoban asked.

The elegant looking girl glanced at Mother Manoban as she says,"I'm Han Hyejin, a friend of your daughter"

She then soon bowed.

"Oh, so you're from the Han family? So you're an elite after all. But...why does your actions speaks rudeness? You don't know the word etiquette?"

Hyejin turned around as she held her head high,"I only have respect for those who deserves them. I know you. The one and only, big founder of Manoban corporation. Do you think a person who overworks her daughter, making her undergo nonstop diet, making her feel unimportant as she treats her own daughter like an employee deserves my respect?" She looked straight at Mother Manoban's eyes as she continues.

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