Episode 65

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"Dumb pt

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"Dumb pt. 3"

Seeing her retreating back made him feel something.

He can't quite put a finger on it but whatever it is, he doesn't like it.

He feels suffocated.

He was still looking at her retreating back when a someone called his name.

"Kook, the conference is over now. Let's go?" Jangmi asked in her usual soft voice. She didn't dare to look at him straight in the eyes for  it would only hurt her deeply.

After the conference, Jungkook and Jangmi walked together towards the white Bugatti that is parked there to pick them up.

The driver inside the car said,"Young master Jeon, Missus, please enter the car now. The elders are already waiting at the Jeon Residence"

Jungkook rolled his eyes. He didn't wanna come at all. But what choice does he have? He can blame no one for what's happening.

Blame his past self for being to impulsive!

Before they could enter the car, someone threw a heels at the windows of the car, causing the window to have a few scratch.

The black heels looked familiar.

Jangmi also recognized the black heels. She looked at it with wide eyes.

It's Hyejin's.

"YAH!! JEON JUNGCOCK!!" Both of them turned around to look at the culprit.

Hyejin walked towards them in heavy steps. She picked up her other heels before throwing them again, but this time, it is aimed to Jungkook.

It only hit him in his chest but the heels still hurts.

He frowned at the impact but said nothing.

"You bird brain!"
She raised her hands into a fist and struck them at his shoulders.

"You ignorant!"
She threw another hit.

"You fool!"
And another.

He just stood there, letting her do what she wants.

Seeing his ex girlfriend made him feel nothing.

Seeing his indifferent expression, she scowled at him in disgust and says:

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