Chapter 13-New Big Band

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[Timeskip: 1 Year]

We finally finished our self-titled album and got to publish it, we released our song 'Clint Eastwood' as a single on March 5th and the actual album on March 26th, it's April 3rd and people are loving the album! It's blowing up!

We got a call from our record label. Murdoc picked it up since he's 'The leader of the band..." Murdoc said very few words, nodding his head and making weird expressions in the process. he finally turned off the phone.

"Guys! Big news! Our manager told us people love us, he asked if we wanted to tour across the world!"

Excuse me what!? Tour!? Across the world!? This must be a dream! Everyone looked shocked; we looked at each other speechless.

"There's no way? How are we that big already? It's only been a week!" I said.

"Well, they have to plan months to a year ahead, but still! Think about it! Us on tour in America!" This was amazing; I still couldn't believe it.

We did indeed say yes to the manager's offer; we planned a year in advance so we can schedule it well. This was a big deal for many artists/bands because it's hard to get that big that fast. The idea of touring around the world is still baffling to me; seeing so many people from other places liking the stuff you made is just amazing.

But before we knew it... The first day of the tour began...

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