Chapter 25-El Mañana

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3rd person pov

Noodle is floating along peacefully in the sunshine on her floating island. Suddenly, two helicopters catch up to the island and begin to fire upon Noodle with machine guns. As Noodle flees into the windmill, the helicopters smash into the sails and destroy them. When Noodle comes out of the windmill, the windmill is now in flames from the onslaught of the attacking helicopters, and the ground, once lush, green, and full of life, is now barren and empty. The helicopter pilots see her and start to attack again, and she is forced back inside the windmill. The stricken island then starts to lose altitude and falls down into a canyon. Then one of the two helicopters drops a bomb and they fly off. Though it may appear that Noodle is seen parachuting to safety, the parachute-like object is actually a shrub that is torn from the ground to the left of the windmill as it falls towards the earth...

Noodle is scared for her life, she doesn't want to die, she didn't even really agree to the plan! But it was for Murdoc apparently so she did it, Jimmy was locked inside the windmill so when the Island would crash he would die, but no one knew what would happen to Noodle, no one knew if she was going to die or not.

As in Windmill Island falls, Noodle could only hope that she'd be ok, that she'd make it out alive, for Gorillaz... the only family she ever really had... she shed a tear as the Island fell.

Murdoc's Pov

"Oi Noodle! You did it! Now we can be happy!" I yell as I arrive to the crash sight.

The plan ended working out great! Jimmy is dead for sure! The Island looked completely destroyed, there was definitely no fixing of it, I look around the ruble to find Noodle.

"Noodle come on out! The plan is finished ya know!" I yell.

I then stumbled upon some of Noodle's hair and some blood. Is she... dead? I stand there in horror... I basically killed Noodle...


I start to cry, I haven't cried since I was a little boy, the pain hits my gut like a hammer.

"H-How am I going to explain this to the others?" I ask to myself. "They'll never forgive me now... I'm done for..."

(The amount of lore I had to look up is crazy-)

(Hope you still enjoyed it even though it's really sad-)

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