Chapter 29-Plastic Beach

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(Timeskip: Still Late 2009 but maybe a month later)

This is great! I found a new headquarters! I bought a boat with the money I "earned" and sailed for about 3 days, I found the most isolated piece of land from anyone! I definitely didn't do this because people are after me, nah the Black Clouds and the Boogeyman aren't after me noooo...

Anyway! I found the new headquarters, I named it Plastic Beach! I also made a new Noodle! Her name is... well Cyborg Noodle, I created her out of Noodle's dna and a Noodle wig I bought of Amazon. She is my bodyguard- I mean temporary replacement for Noodle, she plays guitar just like her!

Now all I need to do is find the others and create the new album! Russel sadly hasn't been heard from, he didn't answer any of my calls so I can just do precession on my computer! We've got guitar covered, all we need is Y/n and 2D... we can't have the band without 2D!

I tried calling him to convince him but he blocked my number! Oh well... if he doesn't want to willing come over here... I'll force him and his stupid little "girlfriend..."

I Knew Him Before He Became 2D! (2D x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now