008. ❛ feelings ❜

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N O - O N E S - P O V

"Hey mi amor! You promised me a dance!" Camilo shouted over the music, to the girl a couple feet away from him

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"Hey mi amor! You promised me a dance!" Camilo shouted over the music, to the girl a couple feet away from him.

"Oh yes! Um- Archer I want to go dance with Camilo" She said, trying to tug her hand away from his grip around it.

"Dancing? Let's go!" He more like yanked her to the dance floor, making her let out a yelp. Rosa and Camilo made eye contact, as she was being pulled away.

"I'm sorry" She mouthed, as she was pulled against him to start dancing. She was obviously uncomfortable, wanting to dance with Camilo. Even Camilo knew that and just wanted so much to take her away from him. But he didn't want to create a unwanted scene.

He decided to just stand away from everyone else, still getting a view of the dance floor and leaned on a wooden post with his arms crossed.

"Hey mijo, what's wrong?" Pepa asked, coming beside him. He shrugged, still off staring at Rosa and Archer dancing sadly. She noticed and started to have a sad knowing smile.

"Do you remember that night, when all the girls went to go hang and shop?" She asked him, making him nod with a yes.

"And you told me to tell Rosa to meet you there at your 'spot'?" He nodded again.

"Well, she was wearing this beautiful dress..." He sort of side eyed his mother, with a bit of curiosity. And she shook her head a bit, with a small chuckle.

"I'm guessing... she wasn't wearing the dress when you guys met up?" He fully looked at her, but didn't say anything as a response to her- she sighed. She went to look at where he was looking and her, herself felt what he was probably feeling when he looked at the two.

"What did she look like when you saw her? What did you guys do?" With a sigh, he answered softly.

"When I first saw her, her unruly curly reddish brown hair was sort of blowing in the wind... And she was sitting on the grass, hugging her legs to her chest..."

"Even though she just what she usually wore to bed, she was still the most beautiful girl I've ever seen- She wore a purple cropped tank top with white short and a oversized white rauna over her"

"I told her she was beautiful, and she got up quickly as I smiled, yet I didn't know what to say after that. We got close and I asked..." He stopped abruptly, making his mother become curious about what he simply asked.

"I asked her to dance with me..." He looked at Pepa again, but with a little smile.

"She at first didn't take my hand, and I just wanted to run out of their but I didn't because somehow I knew this night was gonna be magical and it was..."

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