Chapter 2

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(Megan's pov)

It has been one day since my mom didn't come home and I'm worried as f*ck!

She can't just be gone..! We need her, me my 3 big brothers and my twin and my little sister!

The whole day i haven't done anything my cousin (Lillian) that's like my sister, has been calling and texting non stop, i just ignored everyone today.

I'm just too upset to talk to someone.

*Lorenzo's pov (Megan's dad)*

I really can't stop worrying about Sarah (Megan's mom also Lorenzo's wife)

I don't want her to be gone, I need her, the kids need her.

She can't just be gone but I told them that she's fine and that she will come home tomorrow . . I hope.

*Next morning*

(Still Lorenzo's pov)

It has been 48h and she hasn't come home..?

That's it I'm calling to the cops now!

(Megan's pov)

I woke up to the sound of the doorbell ringing.

Then I heard my dad's footsteps on the floor after that I heard his voice greeting someone.

I couldn't hear what they said but I heard them talk about my mom, then I remembered what happened two days ago, she never came home.

So I decided to get dressed and go down.

I got in to the shower and did my shower routine, after that I went to my room and made my make up which was mascara, eyeliner and a little bit bronzer, I don't do much of make up.

Even though I'm a beauty guru with a YouTube channel with many subscribers.

I decided to wear a burgundy skater skirt with a white crop top and i went with white converse to that.

I did loose curls to my hair and went down.

They were still there when came down.

I heard my dad almost yell "what do mean with you can't find her that she's gone? She's my wife and a mother of six children they need her! And it's your job to find her!!!!!!"

that's when i came and asked " what do mean with she's gone? and that they need to find her?! where is she?!"

I didn't get answer to my question so I asked again " what do mean with she's gone? and that they need to find her?! where is she?!" but with much more anger in it.

That's when one oh the cops said "

A/N: sooo yeah that happened..<3 

'I'm soo sorry for this short chapter. Much more will happen in the next I promise. And let me know what you thought about this chapter in the comments<3


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