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Unedited: I feel like this one has lots of mistakes but I'm sick and high on cough syrup so let's just take what we can get. <3

^^ An: This chapter has since been edited, but the note above is interracial to the plot... let's be honest I just find it too funny to delete. I don't even remember writing this chapter if that tells you how out of it I was. My deepest apologies to those who suffered through the unedited version, I owe you a firstborn. Xx

ITS BEEN A BUSY COUPLE OF MONTHS. Serial killers and offenders seemed to be especially busy as of late. Leaving us to leave from one case immediately onto another. In the past few months we have traveled all across the country, sometimes for weeks on end other times we only stayed for a day or two.

In fact this week is the first break we have gotten in a long time.

"Come on baby girl! My grandmum can do better than that!" Dereks humorous voice is loud as he calls out.

Glancing back over my shoulder I see Penelope and Spencer still far back near the starting mark.

"Come on guys, let's go!" I skid to a stop, turning to jog back over to them. "We're not done yet."

"I- I can't." Spencer huffs out. He's doubled over as if in agony, his hands resting against his knees as he draws heavy breaths.

"How, how long... how long was that?" Penelope's cheeks are flushed red.

"Ten minutes and fifty-two seconds." Derek glances at his watch. "That ain't gonna to cut it. Pretty boy, hit me with the average walking pace of a mile!"

Spencer groans loudly, straightening up a little. "Twelve minutes."

When I was out on my morning run, I came across Derek on my route. Which wasn't surprising that we would both be taking advantage of the week we have off, but I wasn't expecting what he had to say to me. He quickly explained that he was meeting Spencer and Penelope, to do some fitness training for a test they had coming up. He had their fitness tests waved but he wasn't planning on telling them that until later so he could mess with them and train them for a test that they will never have to take. I couldn't pass on the chance to see that.

For the past two hours we've been giggling amongst each other in secret as we have them run up and down bleacher stairs, do push ups, and jog around a track.

"Come on!" I urge, trying to resist smiling at their dramatics. "It will get easier, you just need practice."

"Says the woman who ran a six minute mile!" Penelope snaps back. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, ugh, my organs hurt!"

"It's okay, just breathe. In through your nose out through your mouth." I take a deep breath to demonstrate.

"I'm roasting." She fans herself with her hand as she looks me up and down. "How haven't you passed out from heatstroke?"

Unlike the three who are in shorts and tee-shirts- my attire consists of joggers and a long sleeve compression shirt. I still can't bring myself to wear anything that won't cover my scarring. So as a result I've been sporting cotton long sleeved shirts, thin turtlenecks, tights under skirts, jeans, and light sweaters or jackets over tank tops. Although you get used to the temperature, I will never get used to the curious glances and silent judgments.

Before I could think of something to dodge the question, someone speaks up for me.

"She's always cold." Spencer's voice is strained he's no longer doubled over. His head tilted back, eyes closed and his hands rest on his hips. "Probably anemic."

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