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THE FLORESCENT LIGHTS WOKE ME. Penelope flicking them on as she came into the bullpen being the first one of the team to arrive. It was the lights that woke me but it was the click of her heels that startled me awake. Closing and shoving files into my desk drawer before she could see. Before she could ask questions.

"Good morning, sugar-cube!" The slam of the drawer caught her attention, noticing me for the first time. "What are you doing here in the dark?"

"Good morning, Pen." I cover my mouth with my hand as I yawn and glance at the clock wondering how long I had been asleep. "I needed to catch up on some things, came in early."

She gawfs at my lie, clearly buying it.

This week was by far one of the busiest times I've had since joining the bureau. Performing any task necessary to appease Erin Strauss and her bosses, while simultaneously noting anything that might be of use to me. Details on classified intelligence, hand scribbled diagrams of the statistical analysis the FBI is basing their raids on. Names and addresses of high ranking operatives. And the crème de la crème— the identities of two men. One currently in witness protection, the other an undercover agent. Both men are in hiding.

But I've found them.

Hopefully that information will be enough. Because I'm done being a puppet.

"Well I'm glad I caught you first, because..." Garcia skips over to my desk, a bright smile on her face. She's far too happy for how early it is. "I brought you a scooone!"

"Really?" I smile tiredly, taking the bag from her and opening it. "Oh goodness you are the greatest!" I praise before taking a bite of the still warm cinnamon pastry, grateful for finally getting some food in me after hours of work.

"Tell me something I don't know." She winks before heading off to prepare for the rest of the day.

After babysitting Henery, Spencer took me to get a home security system. He took me despite the time of night, allowing me to rest while he drove us over an hour away to the only electronics store that was open past midnight. He didn't ask me why I needed it, or if it would make me feel safer— knowing I would downplay it and not want to inconvenience him. So he insisted, even installing it as soon as we got back into town. And to my surprise it does put me more at ease knowing that if he did find me again the police would immediately know about it.

In any other situation I would have called Aaron, but to my knowledge he has no idea what I had gotten myself into years ago. God, I can't even imagine, he would be so disappointed in me.

One thing is certain— they want me to know they're watching.

Everything is structured. Each move calculated. Nothing is left to chance. Coincidence dosent exist in that world. Evidence incinerated. Identities wiped. Every action sterilized. Very step is precise, and with aim to have the most impact. And if someone is watching me, they allowed themselves to be known to the FBI. Allowed just enough to make their presence known without giving anything to hint at an identity. It's almost too perfect. Too polished to be believed.

It's like chasing ghosts.

"You promised me protection. You promised to keep me informed on any and all findings."
"That's exactly what—"
"You've known about this for over a year— are you kidding me?"
"Calm down Cypher."
"I've refrained from murdering you both haven't I— This is me being fucking calm!"

Each passing street, every building, each car,  and every single person. They all could possibly be in danger. Or they all could possibly be a threat to me.

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