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Rachel Rowling P.O.V

The name is Rachel Rowling. I have my twin brother who is apparently a few minutes older than me named Damian and my older sister named Ally and brother Alex. Me and Damian were born on two different dates since he was born on the 13 of February at 11:57 and I was born on 14 of February 12:05. I have long waved jet black hair that is up to my butt when loose, blood red eyes and pale complexion. I am a powerful witch because I am a shape shifter, can talk to animals as they can talk to me, read minds, mind control, reanimation of the dead, taming and persuasion. I have recently turned 17 and I am going to be going to Hogwarts for my sixth year and seventh year.

My brother has curly black hair that is cut short, obviously, also red eyes but like a crimson and a bit tanner complexion. My other brother, Alex, has ochre brown hair that is curly but short cut, sea blue eyes with white patterns and a tanned complexion. Ally has black hair that is just past her shoulders straight, magenta pink eyes and a pale complexion like me.

Our family is one of the most power fullest ones on Earth. My mother is a Veela with blonde hair and sea green eyes and tanned complexion as my dad has black hair with blood red eyes and pale complexion. We are going to the Quidditch World Cup today and my dad is going to meet some guy named Arthur Weasley who he is working with in the ministry. He said that Mr Weasley has seven kids! Crazy, I know.

“Wake up, Rachel!!” Ally yelled hitting my face with a pillow and I instantly shot up. “What was that for?!” I yelled. “We are going to the Quidditch World Cup soon, Idiot.” She said in her French accent before heading downstairs. I showered then dressed into jean shorts, white tank top, black sweater, and black combat boots and combed my black hair.

I went downstairs and smiled once my dad came into view. “Who is coming with us?” I asked. “Everyone but mom of course.” Damian said from behind me. “Damian!” I yelled chasing him until we were outside. “Too scared to come and morph?” Damian taunted. I growled and morphed into a white wolf with blood red eyes and ran after him. He shrieked before turning into a grey wolf with crimson eyes and ran away.

My entire family are Animagi except I am the only one who is a full shape shifter. Ally is a unicorn, Alex is a white dog, my dad is a dragon as my mom is a tiger. Only me and Damian are wolves but with different colours since we are fraternal. I grinned a wolfish smile before morphing back and going inside. “Ok, so when are we going?” I asked my dad.

“Soon, after your brother comes back which is 3… 2… 1…” Dad said then Damian came into the kitchen. “Let’s go to the Quidditch world cup!!” I cheered before we all apparate there. We arrived there to see a tent with a name ‘Weezly’. A plump man with ginger hair and freckles came out with 6 kids, wow… way too many kids.

“Hello, Andy! These must be your beautiful children!” I am guessing Arthur said and I snickered at my dad’s name. “Yes. Arthur, are these all yours?” My dad asked finally. “Only the gingers. The other two are Hermione Granger and Harry Potter.” Arthur said and our eyes widen but then soften after we saw the look on Harry’s face that yelled ‘Please don’t freak out!’. “Hello, Harry, Hermione, the Weasley’s. I am Rachel and this is my twin Damian. Our older brother and Sister Alex and Alley. All twins just the same.” I say sweetly and I nudged Damian after I said his name.

“We will meet a friend who also works at the Ministry by the name Amos Diggory.” Arthur said and Damian had a mischievous smile on his face. “Oh, no you aren’t Damian. We are going to the Top Box to save seats for the others.” I say grabbing his hand and ran to the Quidditch Stadium but walked half way.

We pass the Bulgarians and some of them whistled and winked at me, and one of them was Viktor Krum. I waved at them and they blushed looking away making me giggle with faint blush creeping onto my cheeks. “This is going to be the bestest day ever!” I sang and Damian chuckled. “That is my sister.” He bragged. “Stop bragging, you idiot.” I say in my French before handing our tickets to the man and going into the Top Box but I heard my dad’s voice then a rude voice.

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