Chapter 2:- Meeting the Zvahl

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Laurance's P.O.V.
"Fine! Now get out!" Cadenza yelled at us as the little girl & I walk out the room.
"Will she be alright?"
"Yeah, a 100% sure! Cadenza does some weird miracles heh!" Then everyone goes silent for what feels like an hour.
"Soo, your sister's name is Cadenza? & yours is Laurance, right? What's your family/last name then?"
"You already know too much! No!"
"I just met you today & now in your house! So at least let me get to know you! Or else I'll keep on calling you Alien Human Invader!"
"Ughh, you're too nosy! Fine...My name is Laurance...Laurance Zvahl"
"Zvahl? I'm sure I heard that name before...anyways, we started in the wrong page *Ahem* My name is Alya Phoenix! Nice to meet you!"
"The pleasure is all mine!" We shake formal huh? "Wanna eat somethin' Alya?" I say as I go to the kitchen to grab...literally anything! "Not really, my mom stuffs my hag with snacks & sandwiches when I head to my baseball club!" That's cool! "Well, I play soccer!"
"Does your sister play anything?"
"Oh, Cadenza? She loves to sew! What's YOUR sister's name by the way?"
"Oh, Her name is Aphmau, most of her friends call her Aph though!" Aphmau? No way! She left PhoenixDrop years ago!
Before I even react, someone knocked on the door. Oh, finally he's back home early! I open the door to be greeted by my father. "Hey Dad..."
"Hey Laur, I thought you'd be with Dante at the Soccer field close by?"
"Well, I WAS going there..."
"Oh, who's thi-" he didn't get to complete what he was saying until he was "rudely" interrupted by

Cadenza's P.O.V.
The girl Laurance got to my room finally woke up! "Umm...hi? Where am I?"
"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you! But umm...what's your name?"
"I'm Aphmau...but why am I here?"
"A-Aphmau?...w-wait, do you remember me? I'm Cadenza!"
"Laurance found you & got ya here! That's why you looked familiar! You didn't change!"
"Aww thanks! By the way, where's that dude?"
"He's downstairs with your sister!"
"Well, let's make sure Alya didn't kill him then!" we both giggle as we get out of the room only to see my dad at the door, "Well, I WAS going there..." Laurance replies to a question dad probably asked, I didn't hear it though! "Oh, who's thi-" He points over to Alya, I then interrupt him by saying, "There both My & Laurance's friends, Dad! Aphmau & Alya!"
"Aphmau? Hi! When did you come back to PhoenixDrop?"
"3 years ago, actually."

:*:*  Magical Timeskip  *:*:

Aphmau's P.O.V.
"Well, I must be going! See you later guys!" Hayden said as he left through the door...uhhh...He doesn't stay or see Cadenza & Laurance most of the time, huh? "Well, he left in a hurry. Wel...Alya, let's go home!"
"Aww man! Do we have to?"
"YES! I forgot My Phone at home & mom is probably worried SICK!"
"Fine! Bye everyone!"
"Bye Aphmau! Bye Alya!" Laurance & Cadenza both yell as we leave home...My mom is going to kill me!

Don't you dare ask me why I'm awake right now! Got It? Anyways! See ya in the next chappie! Also, don't ask why I'm awake! Just sayin'!
~ Milly

P.S. Don't ask me why I'm awake right now! Just reminding you!

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