Chapter 8:- Practicing!

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Sorry for not updating! I have school & I'm trying my best to update! Thanks to NanaCookieChan & UnknownForLove for giving me ideas! You ladies are the best!
~ Milly Charlene

:*:*  Timeskip to Monday  *:*:

Aphmau's P.O.V.
"Two households, both alike in dignity, in Fair Verona, where we lay our scene from ancient grudge break to new mutiny or civil blood & make civil hands unclean from forth the fatal loins of these two foes, a pair of star crossed lovers take their life." Travis said his line then leaves the stage. Irene, I barely even focused! Today we got most of the costumes Cadenza made. She is SOOO GOOD! How can she keep up with acting & making dresses!? So anyways, Katelyn thought why not practice like we're actually doing the play right now! But, of course, she didn't want to ruin the outfits so we didn't wear them.

"Stop this quarrel. Do you not know what you do?" Dante said after pulling out his 'sword'.
"They know of what they do. All right." Zane said getting closer with his 'sword' to Dante face.
"Tybalt, put up your sword or manage it to stop this quarrel with me!"
"What's this? Your sword is drawn and you talk of peace. I hate the very word! as I hate all Montague's! Have at thee!" Zane yelled as he charged at Dante, but before him doing anything the curtains closed. Of course, Zane stopped in his tracks after the curtain closed!

:*:*  Magical Timeskip  *:*:

I very hate that Kawaii~Chan is Friar Lawrence! "& by Friar Lawrence~Sama, I bless this union" like, let's not say how weird it is to say that in third person. She literally has sparkles in her eyes as she 'marries' me to Laurance! The curtains didn't close this time seeing as Katelyn stopped our practice.
"Good acting skills everyone! Keep it up 'till the special day! Now you can have a small break!" THANK IRENE! THANK YOU KATE!

:*:*  Magical Timeskip  *:*:
(Skip to the next timeskip if you need not to read!)

"3...2...1!" Garroth, Zane & Laurance or should I say, Mercury, Tybalt & Romeo get on stage.
"Gentlemen, good den: a word with one of you. Thou consort'st with Romeo-" Zane starts but was interrupted by Mercury/Garroth, "Consort! what, dost thou make us minstrels? an thou make minstrels of us, look to hear nothing but discords: here's my fiddlestick; here's that shall make you dance. 'Zounds, consort!".
Zane then replies, "Well, peace be with you, sir: here comes my man. Romeo, the hate I bear thee can afford. No better term than this- thou art a villain.".
Garroth gets 'mad', "O Tybalt, you rat-catcher, will you walk?"
"Gentle Mercury, put thy rapier up."Laurance say trying to 'calm' Garroth down.
"Come, sir, your passado!" Garroth says pulling out his 'sword' & Zane does the same! They 'fight', well actually this is what happens at home without a play so there's no difference here! Only that they have fake swords! At home, the fight fist-to-fist! Zane- I mean Tybalt kills Mercury! Laura- err Romeo get mad at Tybalt, charging at him & kills him! The curtains then close.

"Why won't Romeo fight Tybalt though?" Travis asks with a stupid look on his face! Are you kidding me!? Katelyn comes to scold Travis but Cadenza is already is ready to answer his question, "Ya stupid! Because Romeo became married to Tybalt's cousin. Romeo considers Tybalt to be part of his family through marriage; he will not fight a family member, duh!"
"I hope this is true about Garroth & Zane though..." Vlyad whispers

:*:*  Magical Timeskip  *:*:
(You can read from here!)

"Umm...Kawaii~Chan is thinking, why not have a sleepover at her house? Her parents are on a business trip & Kawaii~Chan's siblings are in their friend's house for a sleepover as well!" For the first time...I like Kawaii~Chan's idea! Since the actors & everyone participating in the play don't need to wear something specific to school, we can just get any clothes & head to Kawaii~Chan's right away! We agree & head to our respective family members! Zane, Vylad, Emmalyn & Kiki didn't agree though!

"God Dammit! Garroth! PACK THE FRICK FASTER!!!"
You must be thinking, how are you faster than a dude? Well, Garroth is the slowest person to ever pack their bag! & I'm the fastest one in the family to pack their bag! I just don't understand him! He doesn't need to pack eyeliner, lipgloss, foundation & blusher & put then in a makeup bag! All he needs to pack are jeans, shirt or hoodie &...NOTHING!!! SO WHY IS HE TAKING FOREVER!?!? (That is Aka. My brother ir!)
"Garroth! You either be faster or I'm heading to-"
"THEN LET ME HELP YOU!" I say as I bust into his room, he was like a lady in a mall searching for the perfect wedding dress! Like even she will be done! He was trying on every. Single. OUTFIT In His UGGHHHHH!!!
"ARE. YOU. SERIOUS!?" I say as I get closer to the clothes on his bed! I pick out any outfit that I'm sure will look good on him! A pair of jeans with a gray hoodie & on top was a red jacket. The 2nd was jeans with just his favorite blue hoodie!
"Here! Pack these!"

:*:*  Magical Timeskip  *:*:

Ding Dong
We ring the doorbell & a sec later the pink haired meif'wa opens the door, "Aphmau~Senpai! Garroth~Kun! Here you are! What took you so long?" I think of an excuse very quick! "I uhh... was locked in the washroom & Garroth had to get extra keys from the garage & the keys wasn't the right keys so he tried again & again so at the end I just jumped out the window, scratched myself but who cares? We're now here!" I said it as fast as possible! "Oh no! Can Kawaii~Chan see Aphmau~Senpai's scratch?" "No KawaiiChan! It's not that big of a deal! It's just a scratch!" I say as I look back glaring at my stupid brother called Garroth! I got inside seeing that everyone was here! Welp! We're the last ones!

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