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7 years ago

It had been two years since Louise had left Beacon Hills, two years that she left people she loved behind, when she left Beacon she tried to settle in a small town in California she spent 5 months living there until she started to have disappearances there, it was an impulse that the huntress had to go investigate and confirm her suspicions that it wasn't a serial killer or something like that, It was when she killed that djin that the woman realized that she could hunt and now she spends her time hunting supernatural beings that kill innocent people. Sometimes Louise calls Theo and Liam to say that she is fine, to tell them about the hunts and to see how they are doing, to see how the pack is doing or if something strange has appeared to try to kill them, but she never speaks to either of them again.

Sometimes she still finds herself remembering some things she experienced with some of them, like the time she was sleeping and felt someone lie down with her and when she opened her eyes she found Isaac all curled up on her bed or when Erica almost attacked her on a full moon, she still has the mark of her claws on her leg. Before these memories were frequent, but now they are rare, the human understood that she needed to move on with her life and that that pack was no longer a part of it.

Argent was traveling for 2 days and sleeping two days in her car and she was tired and seriously thought that if she slept for one more night in those horrible seats she would have a serious back problem and that is the reason why she is parked on the side of the road looking for somewhere on the map luckily she found a hotel 5 km from where she was and headed to the place when she arrived at the hotel she came across several cars in the place and her first thought was.

"Please let it have a room, I can't stand to sleep in that hag that I call a car anymore"

When she was passing by she came across her dream of consumption a 1967 Impala all black, she has been in love with that car since she turned 14 and saw a similar one in a magazine, but she knows that she will never have one, first because it is hard enough to take care of that old Jeep, imagine taking care of an Impala, second she has no money to buy one, it seems that living on hunting and fake cards doesn't give much future.

She came out of her reveries and put on her sunglasses and went into the reception, when she opened the door she heard an argument between the receptionist and two men, a tall blond man who looked like a squirrel and a very tall brunette man, both holding backpacks and looking tired. She stopped in front of the counter, took off her glasses and scratched her throat, drawing the attention of the three men.

- Hi good evening, I'd like a room. - She smiled.

- Hi, I'm sorry, but we only have one room for rent and it's for three people. - said the red-haired boy.

The girl looked at the boy that by the name on his badge must have been Rafael and then looked at the two boys and pondered whether or not to make the proposal of sharing a room, she knows that if they try something can kill them in the blink of an eye, but was still in doubt decided to make the proposal.

"I've shared rooms with strangers and hunters, what could these two idiots do to me?"- Louise sighed and turned to the two men.

- Okay, what do you two think about sharing a room? I know it's weird, but I'm too tired and don't have the patience to drive to another hotel and the closest one is three hours away and you two look like you're going to fall asleep on the floor any minute.

The two boys looked at each other, they seemed to talk just by looking at each other and she hoped that they would accept, she was too tired and still had to call Liam and know how he was doing, it had been two months since she had called him or Theo.

Kate Argent's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now