Y/n+??? • Ein

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Just read the dumbass chapter

{Reader key}
Y/n- Your name
N/n- Nickname
S/c- Skin colour
E/c- Eye colour
H/c- Hair colour
H/l- Hair length
F/c- Favourite colour
F/a- Favourite animal
F/f- Favourite flower
P/n- Pet name

It was a nice day today like any other, when I went down stairs I heard a loud bang. "What the?!" I said a little confused, I dont get too shocked when I hear a "bang" I usually think and or know that it's Ein and Pierce with there pranks.

Now don't get me wrong I love a good prank but TNT is just getting a bit old they always us it in some shape or form. when I walked outside it was just that "ugh! Stuipd.." Ein said mumbling to himself.

"Ein?" I said wondering what my blue wearing freind was doing "oh! Uhh.. Hiii Y/n" Ein said in his usual "I'm probably doing something bad" tone.

Peirce was of course standing beside him looking at the small hole that the "stack" of TNT made. "Uh-huh hiii" I said walking over to him, Ein had been my friend for awhile and I had grown feelings for him, I would tell him but Ein being Ein it's kinda hard.

Especially when my friends (cough cough aphmau cough) keep telling me to tell him, she figured out by peaking over my shoulder as I was writing in my dairy...don't ask.

Ein was about to say something but I just rolled my eyes and said "So what bad thing did you do this time" he gasp "I- wow I'm offended" he said in a joking kinda tone it made me laugh a bit.

"EIN! PIERCE! Y/N!!!" Aphmau yelled from near her house "what?" Ein said as we all looked over to see Aphmau and Zane in a weird piston contraption.

"OooOOoo watcha got there," said Pierce as the three of us walked over to them, he had jumped onto a pile of dirt and ontop of the Pistons "what? what? what? what?" He asked over and over again.

"Yea what are you guys doing-" Ein said staring at a leaver on the floor "is this a prank?" I asked looking at the two in between the pistons. "No no," aph answered "ok so when I say three Ein you pull the leaver," Aph continued.

"OooOOoo what's it gonna do?" Pierce asked "just watch" Zane finally spoke "ok on three one.." Aphmau counted down. "Wait why is Ein doing this?" I asked raising a hand with my finger pointed "well it's because" Zane said also raising his finger, I had already put my hand down.

"Wait why is Ein doing this Aph?" Zane said turning to Aph "three!" Aph said before anything else "got it!" Ein said as he pulled the leaver. Then the pistons closed pushing the two together, Pierce quickly got off the pistons and stood near us.

"Yea-hah!" Aph said "WHOA AH-!" Zane said shocked.

Ein pulled the leavers again shortly after "huh?" a voice came from the pistons "whoa! Ein you squished them!" Pierce said turning to Ein who was shocked at the figure but I couldn't blame him so was I.

"Whoa!" It sounded like Aph but looked so different a littler more edgy and different hair but it also looked like her, her cute eyes,face ect there clothing was mixed a bit they had Zane's mask but darker purple clothing on their body mixed with some hints of black.

"Aph? Zane?" I said confused "uhh what just happened?!" Ein commented. "Zane!" The voice of Aphmau's came from the being "we merged!" They continued "I know!" Zane's voice spoke. They seemed to have made a new body, but are having to share it.

"Whoa that's so cool!" Ein commented as we all walked around looking at him err her uh them?, It? I don't know, Zane's voice gasped "I HAVE TWO EYES AGAIN!" he shouted excited and happy, we all laughed a bit.

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