'Chapter 2 ▪️ Cold food'

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Chapter 2


I sighed. Looking around the diner to find something interesting. I looked to the kitchen, it was weird how my spot could see the inside of the kitchen.

Inside the kitchen, a boy with blonde hair was looking at me. He looked tall yet a bit shy. Our eyes met for a second, his face was red. He looked away hiding from my view.

He was tall and had green emerald eyes. He looked pretty cu-

No! George! You have a boyfriend!

Well, he's probably making out with the satin top girl in the bathroo-

No! He's not. He loves you and would never do that, you've been together for like 3 years now! He would never cheat.

My mind was so confused, but I decided to give Ace the benefit of the doubt. He probably just needed to go to the bathroom.


The waitress came to my table. She gave me and Ace our meals. Her face frowned when she didn't see Ace. She left after giving the meals.

I took a bite into my burger, a weird and unfamiliar flavor touched my tastebuds. My eyes widened.


My gut told me. If I were alone, I would've spat out in an instant, I didn't want to have to taste the spicy taste. I decided to keep it in. I lifted the top bun of the burger. It was indeed ketchup. But, the red fluid had created a shape. A heart. Though it was messy, it was still visible. I put the bun back, I then lifted Ace's burger's top bun. The ketchup was normally spreaded. I put a hand on my mouth.

By now, I didn't care about the taste of the ketchup, if anything I kinda liked it. I turned to the kitchen, the blonde boy looking at me. As if he was looking for my reaction. When our eyes met, his eyes widened. He turned away and hid. Again.

I looked back to my burger. By now I swallowed the bits in my mouth. Ketchup wasn't that bad. In fact, it tasted different from the time my older cousin made me try it. Which was the first and only time I tried ketchup.

Though I don't remember exactly how it tasted, I remember it was spicy. Flamin hot, I remember my older cousin laughing at me.

"Why's it so spicy?"

"Have you never had ketchup before?"

He laughed, along with my other cousins that sat at the "kids table" with us.


I finished my meal. Half an hour passed and Ace finally returned from the bathroom. His lips were slightly red.

"Sorry I took so long babe"

He said while sitting down, he was out of breath. But I don't think the distance from our booth to the bathrooms was too big. I ignored it though.

"The food's cold"

"Oh.. I must've been gone for quite a while"

I nodded, staring at the crumbs on my plate. He wouldn't cheat, right?

"You okay babe?"

"Yeah, I'm just kinda tired."

"Okay, I'll take this to go. I'll ask the cashier for some take out containers and I'll pay. Stay here love"

He said before he left. I looked behind me to see the blonde girl returning from the bathroom. She was smiling, face flushed, lipstick smudged and a few hickeys on her neck, collarbone and one way too near her cleavage.

She sat beside her friends, with a flushed face. They looked confused, after she spoke, their eyes widened. Ever so often, she glanced at Ace.


Maybe that was a red flag.

But he would never.


He wouldn't do that...

Or would he?

I looked down at the table, specifically my plate. I spotted a neon green sticky note attached to the bottom side of the edge of the plate.

Has that always been there?

I took the note off the plate, looking at the side opposite to the sticky side.

He's cheating on you, trust me on this.

Was written on the note. So was a huge smiley face.

Who could have possibly sent this? I was so confused. I didn't want to believe that Ace was cheating. I know Ace. Whoever sent this note must be out of their mind. They don't know Ace like I do-


I snapped out of my thoughts.


"Are we gonna leave?"

"Oh yea, of course"

I got out of the booth.

"Sorry about that"

We started walking to the exit.

"What's that you're holding?"

"Oh this?"

I thought for a bit

"It's nothing.."



The whole car ride was silent. It seems like something was on both of our minds. I didn't want to say anything to him, he probably didn't wanna say anything to me either.


Sorry for the shorter chapter! Have a good day/night! <3

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