'Chapter 14▪️ Perfume'

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Chapter 14

Third Pov

"I love you George"

Silence filled the room, that's if you don't count the movie that played in the background. George was frozen in place. Not knowing what to say or do. Dream on the other hand was petrified. Words were let out of his mouth without thinking. He could feel his hands shaking, his heart was throbbing in pain and he could feel tears prepared to stream down his face. George wasn't saying anything, that scared Dream. George not saying anything, said a lot.

"George I-"

"Dream no.."

Dream's heart broke. As much as he wanted to leave right now, he couldn't. He wanted to know what George was gonna say, he wanted George to fully break his heart so he could get over George. He had to. No matter how painful it was for him. George untangled himself from Dream's embrace. Getting up to face Dream but gaze on the ground. Dream wanted to scream at George to look at him, but he knew that would've only caused him more pain.

George didn't want to face Dream. He didn't want Dream to know how much tears were flowing down from his face. He used his voice to mask his sobs which brought back way too many bad memories.


The plead in his voice and the tears in his eyes were heartbreaking to stare at. George felt hurt. He had caused this. The man in front of him wasn't his best friend, it was a man terribly in love. He was breaking in front of George.


George was shaking. Don't. His gaze worryingly on Dream. Think about this George.

"I'm sorry Dream.."

Sorries didn't fix Dream's broken heart. It didn't stop tears from pouring or the sobs that left Dream. All George could do was leave. Picking up his feet that were once stuck to the floor to carry himself to a bedroom that once comforted Dream.

All Dream could do was try to pick up the broken pieces of his heart that were sliding from his grasp. He felt hopeless and weak. You got what you wanted. 'I didnt think it was gonna hurt this much', you got an answer stop crying dumb little bitch. But I love him. But he's not yours.

Maybe his intrusive thoughts were right. George didn't return his love. Dream's expectations were too high. He knew that even if he told himself that George didn't love him back, it would never lower his expectations if George was constantly hugging and sending signals. He can't blame George. He could only blame himself for letting his hopes grow impossibly high. He could only blame himself for being so careless with what he said.

He clenched the fabric that was resting above his heart, pinching the surface of skin beneath it. His heart pounded beneath his grasp. It was unbearable. He couldn't control his breathing. Sharp ins and shaky outs. Vision unclear and shaky. Loud sobs that he really couldn't control. He didn't know what to do.

On the other hand George wasn't any better. He was sniffling, muffling his cries with the blanket that rested on Dream's bed. Dream didn't have another bedroom. So it was selfish of George to take his bedroom. It was selfish of George to reject Dream. It's not like he hated Dream or anything. His heart fluttered near the man crying out loud, but the boy was scared. He wasn't ready. It wasn't the right time for him. He knew Dream would never hurt him. But the voice in his head made him doubt things. That voice was his.

What if he didn't even love Dream? What if it was too much for him? Did he even love Dream? What if Ace hurts Dream? Technically he didn't even break up with Ace. Technically he was still with Ace. Technically he was still with a monster. Laying in his or Dream's bed. Tears staining the fabric laid beneath and beside him. The pillows turned a different shade from his tears. He wanted to stay positive. How could he possibly stay positive? He just broke Dream's heart. He did nothing to stop himself. Dream has nothing but kind to him. Letting Dream use him for George's clingy tendencies. Giving George an escape from Ace. Giving George a shelter. Giving him food. Giving him love. Love he probably didn't even deserve. But Dream gave it to him anyway, because that's what Dream did. He loved, he cared and he gave until he had none left. All George has been doing this whole time is taking from Dream. Selfless Dream. Dream with a huge heart. Dream with emerald eyes, with thick golden locks George adored tangling his hands in. Dream with a soft smile and a warm embrace.

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