Starting a New

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Hongjoong stared out the window as the sun slowly started to set, painting the sky with soft shades of pink, orange and purple.The strawberry blonde gazed lovingly at the sweet sorbet sky gave way to a enchanting deep blue with specks of greens, reds, and whites, almost as if the sky had just realeased a sash on a transformation dress and now strutted across the catwalk with the deep suduction peiece. Taking audiences breath away. Hongjoong couldnt help the familar itch in the back of his head, whispering different pleating and fabric types to paint the beautiful colors on equally as gorgeous bodies around the world. He chuckled softly at himself as his desire to make everyone everywhere feel just as pretty as the sights and nature that surrounded them all still reared its playful little head after so long. 'I guess that feeling will never go away. Even if I try to push it away as far as possible, it will always come back.' The strawberry blonde sighed softly as the sun sunk beneath the horizon.' Fashion was my first love after all' He looked down at his finger with hurt n his eyes, the same one that held the promise of what was supposed to be his last love. 'Maybe it should have stayed my only love,' he felt a small tear roll down his cheek as thoughts of he fragmented heart filled his head. The thoughts of watching the sunset while being held close and firm, the thoughts of the secret kisses being shared in the dead of night with only the moon as their witness, the thoughts of the warm summer nights filled with laughter and sweet words. The thoughts of chan. The thoughts of them came in a flood and the tape holding the pieces of us heart together had lost its glue. 'Fuck.....I still miss him. I miss us. I shouldn't. I really shouldn't but I am over him. I need to be over him!' Hongjoong quickly wiped his cheeks and shut the curtain on the sweet moonlight. 'If I don't get over him now the moon will never be something sweet again!' He shoved his headphones back into his ears and blasted the happiest songs he could think of while waiting for the small platinum blonde to finish up the bakery's closing duties. Jimin had come hours ago to pick up Namjoon for dinner, leading to the taller man to make them promise that they would all meet up at Felix's tomorrow for a boys day. Something they NEEDED to do to help the small man get to know himself again, deffinately not so the taller man could get a day away from his clingy boyfriends. Right after the two left, making Hongjoong feel more lonely than he'd like to admit, Felix had almost skipped up To his fellow blonde with a soft smile and a singsong tone as he exclaimed.

"Great news! Hyunjin said that he would love to have you over till you get back on your feet. He trusts that you won't be there longer than you need to!" He couldn't help but chuckle softly as the excited blonde  hugged him hard enough to squeeze out his lungs before he placed even more tea and sweets in front of him while he went back to work in the kitchen, mumbling something about the cream puffs looking depressed. Ever since then the small man had been sitting in the little comfy corner with his headphones in, listening to soft and sweet melodies of low-fi, while he stared out the window and munched on the sweets. The soft and calm atmosphere had been able to sway his head away from thoughts of his fragile heart only to have it crash head first back into it with just a soft glance at his finger. He felt his eyes water as he continued to stroke the empty space on his finger that once held so much love on it. Well, what he thought was love. He was so caught up in his feelings for the man who had promised himself to him that the thought that his would have been fading was never considered. Even when it all seemed so different, when this love seemed so true, finally he gotten his fairytale ending only for it to turn out as just that. A silly fairytale. Just like all the others before Chan. Why didn't love ever last? Why was he the only one broken at the end? Why did love never work? 'Maybe love just never for me,' Hongjoong thought as he wiped his eyes with his sleeve, taking a few small breathes to settle his aching chest. 'Maybe my career was enough. Starting today I'm gonna focus on rebuilding it. Exclusively.' The strawberry blonde had made a new promise to himself and unlike the ones made to him by others, this one was getting fulfilled. He took one last deep breath, for courage or for nerves he wasn't sure, before he grabbed his phone and logged into the one account that had been his life for years but walked away from so easily for something he thought was different. His official brand account, KH_Fashion.

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