Back with a Bang

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Hongjoong groaned as the sun shined through the thin curtains of felix's office. The bright beams seemed determined to wake him from his comfortable dreamless sleep like a cat demanding food from its owner, even when the small man ducked under his covers he still couldnt escape the plague of day. He tried to roll away from the flooding light, turning himself into a blonde burrito while trying so hard to fall back into the peaceful oblivion that was sleep. He felt almost comforted by the way the persistent sunbeams lightly warmed his back, reminding him of the nights he spent with Chan after a long day at work. The way that the man would wrap his arms around him and pull him close. The memories started to flood his head again as he let himself get lost in the soft warmth, for once he didnt feel like crying as chans sweet words started to echo through his head almost like a distant lullaby from his childhood. Just as he let the words fill his head and lull him back into a sense comfortablity again, his back warmed by the sweet sun and safely wrapped in a cacoon of sweetness and finally back on the very edge of sweet sleep he heard a soft knock on the door and the soft voice of his beat friend.

"Hongie? You awake?" Felix asked softly as he cracked the door slightly before peeking his head inside. Hongjoong heard the platinum blonde chuckle as he unrolled himself from his burrito.

"Now i am." The small man groaned as he stretched his sleep ridden muscles awake while his friend fully opened the door and stepped inside. Hongjoong couldn't help the small laugh that slipped past his lips as he took in Felix's thoroughly "loved" body, barely being hidden by a shirt two sizes too big on him.

"What's so funny?" Felix said as the other blonde tried to hold back his giggles long enough to answer.

"Nothing you remember the conversation from last night."

"About the frogs and that one butterfly?"

"No, the one about how kinks can manifest in animals and how some kinks manifest in humans in weird ways."

"Oh that one! Yeah what does that have to do with why you're laughing?"

"You haven't looked in the mirror yet have you?" Hongjoong said as he motioned to the other man form. Felix just gave the man a small look of confusion before following his hand and looking at his body. His face exploded in a bright blush as he took in the multiple dark purple hickeys,bruises, and hand prints that littered his exposed legs. Hongjoong couldn't help but laugh as Felix burried his red face into his hands.

"Oh you poor thing. Its nothing to be embarrassed about! I just know that you just really like being....marked is all." Felix whined softly as he shot the amused man with a glare through his fingers.

"Thats not something my best friend should know while he's living with me!"

"For the time being, also thats you're fault. you could have put on pants you just chose not to."

"I wanted to be comfy! I could have just as easily woken you up naked!" Hongjoong threw a pillow at the platinum blonde as he finally got out of bed.

"Honestly, nothing I haven't seen before. I still remember the skinny dipping incident back in July Two years ago." The two couldn't help but chuckle at the memory. And what a memory it was. "Anyway why'd you come and wake me up? I thought you would've already left for work."

"Oh,I made breakfast and usually i would be gone by now but im closing the bakery for the day!" Hongjoong couldnt help but shoot the fellow blonde a questioning look at his random schduale change.

~Sweet Treat~ Hongjoong x ATEEZ fanficWhere stories live. Discover now