Collecting Friends

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Hongjoong couldn't help the small smile that practically glued itself to his face as his friends dragged him across the street to the boutique that had started it all. The soft ding of the door chime instantly bringing back memories of utter nostalgic bliss. He let his mind womder to the countless sweet memories of him and his best friends,browsing through the sea of pastel colors while talking about the latest drama going on at hobi's studio. 'i still cant believe how damn petty dancers could be. Id almost be scared of them if joonie didn't exist'. Hongjoong chuckled at the thought as he let the two boys drag him to the sugary pastel racks of clothes. The lavender haired man looked around at all the different clothes, jewelry and shoes, each design and style being cuter than the last. He felt a flood gate of new ideas and patterns for the comeback line fill his head as he let himself fall back into the person he had spent so long trying to get rid off.

"Welcome in!" A cheerful voice greeted from the counter, the Australian accent taking the group off gaurd for a hot minute.

"Thank you!" Felix yelled back cheerfully as the group turned back to the racks.

"Was that just me or did you guys think that was chans voice too?" Hongjoong chuckled as the other two froze, waiting for any sign of distress to leave the other.

"For a hot second. Its probably the accent."

"Hey! Not all Australians sound alike you know!" Felix exclaimed as he directed a mock glare at the two.

"lixie, you know i didn't mean it like that." Hongjoong said as he enveloped the small man in a hug as a giggle slipped past his lips, leveling the other with the best puppy dog eyes he could muster. "Can you forgive me?"

"How dare you use those eyes on me! Ugh fine but i swear thats not gonna work on everyone you know!" Felix said as he lightly poked the others forehead.

"i beg to differ. If that look can persuade Hyuckie of all people then that look could take over the damn world." Namjoon chuckled softly as he began to look through the racks in front of them,the other two joining him.

"Aw this place brings back so many memories! I cant believe we ever stopped coming here!" Felix exclaimed as he held up a heart patterned sweater to his body

"I can't either. After all this was the frist place we would always take eachother to get new outfits for dates.Hell, you guys even took me here for my first date with chan." Hongjoong chuckled softly as he pulled out a pleated purple buckle skirt while his friends held their breath for any sign of sadness to slip past his happy facade.'Do they honestly think im that delicate? Sure im still sad about what happened but i have clearly entered my i hate men era!' Hongjoong sighed softly as he turned to face his best friends with a stern look. "Don't do that."

"Don't do what!" Namjoon and Felix exclaimed in unison as they tried to play off their concern as obliviousness.Completely ignorant of the fact that they were still frozen solid with clothes in their hands. Judging by Hongjoongs annoyed sigh and stance, their "attempt" didnt work.

"That! Dont freeze up every time i mention chan like im gonna burt into tears at any syllable. I know how bad our break up was and i know how bad it hurt me. Ive come to terms with that. Im not gonna waist my time crying of what could have been. I already did that. Im ready to move past it. All of it. Today is about us and me healing. Not chan. Id really appreciate it if we could keep it that way!" Hongjoong scolded the two as his friends finally let hesitant smiles spread on their faces while nodding their heads. Hongjoong sent one last glare their way for effect before he let a sweet smile flood his face as they continued to search through the racks on racks of cute clothes. The sweet pastels and hardcore punk clothes making the small man feel nostalgic. He remembered when he would feel cute and cuddly one day and then feel like curb stomping his friends shitty ex's the next. 'well i guess thats one thing that never really changed.' The lilac haired man thought as he pulled out a black velvet dress with silver accents, holding it up to his frame with a small smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11 ⏰

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