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Dear Wanda,

I hope you know how much I hate you. I hate you so fucking much.

What made you think that you aren't enough? You're enough for me. You're so much more than enough for me and you're not allowed to think otherwise. There's so much I wish to say to you, Wanda.

New York is the same as always. Maybe you could visit one day. When you're ready, I'll always have a place for you.

I heard SWORD is investigating a case in NJ, so... maybe be careful. I don't want you to get hurt. I'll still be here if you need help. The case sounded serious, Hayward seem so frustrated and is taking it out on all of us. I think they're calling me in soon. Past Avengers and all that shit. 

Honestly, does the word Avenger even mean a thing? We can even save the one closest to us. I couldn't even say the one closest to me... 

Did you know how much you broke me? I still think about you every day of my life.

I bet this time of the night you're still up. I bet you just have a long hard week. I bet you're sitting in the chair by the window, looking out at the city in our bed. I hope you still think about me like I think about you.

I want to hold you too. I just want to tell you that it takes everything in me not to call you. I wish I could run to you and I hope you know every time I don't, I almost do... I almost do...

But I'm so afraid of your reaction. What would you think about it? Would you take me back? I think you will, but I'm so afraid Wanda. You're not the only one afraid.

I bet you think I even move on or hate you cause each time you reach out there's no reply. I can't call you. I know if I hear your voice I would run back to you. And you and I both know we're not ready for that. I bet it never ever occurs to you, that I can't say hello to you and risk another goodbye. That's the reason I refuse to answer.

I want to hear your voice, Wanda. But what if I take you back and you run again? I can't let you break you more than you already did. Maybe one day I'll be ready as well. Maybe then we can both talk again and make amends for our past decisions.

We made quite a mess, Wands. Maybe it's better off this way. I'll confess that in my dreams you're asking me if I wanna try again with you. And I almost do. Maybe we both need work, but you need to prove to me that you won't run again when it becomes too much.

I hope you know I almost do.


Y/n Y/l/n

broken promise | wanda maximoff x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now