Chapter 1

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Here's the first chapter of Book 3 in my Regency Series :) You don't have to have read the other two to understand this story as it stands alone but it helps to understand the characters :)

Hope you enjoy!


Chapter One

Kitty Alcott giggled uncontrollably as she and her closest friend, Evangeline Dawson, escaped the clutches of the elderly Sir Walter Martin. They hid behind a pillar in the ballroom of her home at Ethridge laughing.

"Did you see the way he looked at you?" Evangeline panted. "Such lust, it was so hilarious! You are such a tease, Kitty!" She clutched the sides of her thin waist with her arms.

Kitty rolled her eyes laughing. "Don't I know it, Eva? I don't care, it was so much fun!"

"If you had flirted with him any longer I would bet my dowry that you would have had an offer from him by the end of the night!" Evangeline exclaimed amidst her giggles.

Kitty scoffed. "Then I would reject it, like I do with the rest of the offers turned my way."

Kitty enjoyed playing with people. She knew it was wrong but London society was boring, without her playfulness she would not be able to bear it. She had found a companion in Evangeline. Evangeline enjoyed playing and laughing as much as Kitty did. Kitty used her beauty to her advantage. She had deep brown hair that twisted in perfect ringlets and mysterious, dark blue eyes. She was of average height and had a very lovely figure that men found irresistible.

"What is your father going to say when he finds out about Sir Walter?" Evangeline asked once she could control her laughter.

Kitty smirked at her best friend. "My papa could never be angry at me. He'll just find out that Sir Walter was pining after me and then want to shoot him. I'll be the innocent victim in all of this."

Evangeline grinned devilishly. "You are devious, aren't you?"

"Of course, how is one to have any fun in this town if they're not?" Kitty giggled. "I could not bear a London season if I wasn't, you know. All these society men are a frightful bore; if I did not have some fun then I would declare myself a spinster and happily move to my grandmamma's farm in Yorkshire."

Evangeline's expression suddenly turned serious. "Have you ever ... spent the night with a man?" she whispered.

Kitty gasped in horror. "Darling, I'm spirited not stupid!"

"Good, that would be stupid," Evangeline breathed a sigh of relief. Evangeline was also one of the beauties in the ton. She had lovely golden hair and tantalizing hazel eyes that enticed suitors into her midst. She turned her head back towards the ballroom and sighed. "Shall we go find another few partners, how is your dance card looking?"

Kitty smiled gleefully. "I never have any space, I walk into a room and it is filled within minutes. The annoying this is that mama and papa are wondering why I have not selected a husband. It is my third season after all and I am one and twenty." Her parents were truly wonderful, and she loved them for it, but she wished they would not keep bothering her about marriage. Kitty was a good sister though, her younger sister Little J was breaking the rules most frightfully every day and she never gave her up. She wasn't seeing a man or anything; she was just embracing her gift, the gift of intelligence. As Kitty didn't have any other gift than beauty, she used it to her advantage. She didn't want to get married, at least not yet. Once she was married it meant she was bound to one man's arm for the rest of her days. She was having far too much fun being a debutante then she would if she was a wife.

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