Forward patrol

936 26 19

Wednesday, 19th December 2017
08:15 AM
Codm POV

I was gearing up for my patrol shift today, bullet proof vest that weights almost more than a pound because of the plates, M16A3 with 4 spare mags 150 rounds total , Beretta M5, knife, standard issue helmet, and etc that you can find on an active duty marine, I exited the armory and then I bumped into George.

Kgv: Where are you going?

Codm: On a patrol until night, you should stay here where it's more sa-

Kgv: I would wish to come with you.

Her answer was blunt and unexpected, made me suprised on what she said.

Codm: Uh... What?

Kgv: I said, I would like to come with you on your patrol.

Codm: George, Iraq here is a dangerous place, everything is unexpected from civilians, terrorist, bombs, IED's, and suicide bombers, you make a mistake you're fucked up big time.

Kgv: I know, but I would like to know how you handle these, maybe one day I could help you.

I was thinking about it for a solid 10 minutes, I get that she wants to know how soldiers on the ground fight, but at the same time she is probably from dad's or big bro's base.

Codm: *sigh* Fine, come in to the armory and let me get equipment that suits you.

She entered the armory and I went to find a vest that suited her, it was pretty tough to say the least beacause of how huge her bust or more specificly chest was too big for most of the vest, even some of the female soldier's vest were almost too small, but finally i found one that fitted her, I then gave her a helmet, a glock 17 with 5 extra mags, I then packed some MRE's to eat on the field.

Codm: There we go, now follow me.

Kgv: Right.

We both went outisde and to where the humvee's are, and Aiello, James, and Joshua was waiting.

James: Took you long enough.

Joshua: Were you two having an affair in the armory?

Joshua said in a teasing tone, George's face immediately turned bright red as I just facepalmed.

Codm: Anyway, everyone ready?

The three: Yep.

Codm: Then let's go.

We all got into a humvee, george sat in the front passenger seat, Joshua manning the 50. cal, and both James and Aiello on the back seat.

Kgv: It's pretty cramped here, how many people can this vehicle carry?

Codm: Four or five depending if there is a mounted gun or not.

I then started the engine and went out on my patrol route.

Kgv: Seat's are pretty uncomfortable, and there is no air conditioning?

James: The seats are usually like that to make us more focused on the road, and yes no air conditioning because it breaks down easily.

Kgv: Oh.

We continued down the road until we reached F.O.B Juliet.

Kgv: F.O.B?

Aiello: Stands for Forward Operating Base.

Kgv: But why is it named Juliet?

Codm: Those are callsigns we use to name things, like aircraft to locations.

Kgv: I see.

Codm: We should get going, we should be good on rations for now.

We continued to drive until we saw a sign saying "Fallujah".

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