chapter I

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Keria p.o.v

" I'm pregnant Lucas . " I said scared of what he was gone say .

" ohhh " he said getting up and walking to the door .

" where u going Lucas ! " I screamed .

" anywhere but here " he said "I'm not ready to be a father " with that he kissed my forehead. And left .

I felt the tears form in my eyes as I walked back to my living room ..

How great I lost my boyfriend for 3 years because I wanted to tell him I'm pregnant .. And he " not ready to be a father " .

Welp IMA take care of my baby with out him .


Beeep ! Beeep ! Beeeep !

The sound of my alarm clock went off . i always have them flash backs and dreams of when lucas walked out on me . I groaned and got up I went and did my hygiene stuff . such as brush my teeth , take a shower , and put on clothes .
As I did that and finish I went to check on my baby .. Kaden o'mari coly .

He look so much like his daddy don't make no since ..
Its been 2 years since Lucas walked out on me and my baby is 1 . he walks but don't talk that much   and personally I been good by my damn self .. So I really don't need Lucas .

I walked in the room and see kaden standing up in his crib .

" hey mommy baby " I said as I picked him up put him on my hips he smiled and I left out the room closing the door behind me .. I had walked in the kitchen and made me a small breakfast since it was really only me . kaden will just.  eat dry cereal and drink  sippy cup of apple juice.. Kaden loves his apple juice and if u try to give him something else he won't take it but hopefully he'll get tired of it .

I made me some bacon eggs and a pancake . .


I finish eating and decided I'll go to my mother house . because I ain't have work today .  after I wash kaden up and put him on some more clothes ..

And then we headed out to my mothers house .
As I got there the door was already open . so I went in ..

" there's my favorite grandchild " my mother Said .. As she picked up kaden ..
Kaden giggled . my baby one happy baby . I wonder for how long doe lol .

I walked in to my 17 year old  sister room ,  indiaa . me and her always had that sister Bond and nobody could break that apart .. .
When I walked in there she was on the phone .

" who u on the phone with India your boyfriend " I said loud .

" I'll call u back " she said as she hung up her phone .

" no that's not my boyfriend keria that's my friend . " she said

" whatever u say but do u want to go out and have a sister day ? " I said .

" yesss " she said rushing me out her room so she can get changed in to her clothes ..

As she closed the door . I walked in the living room and my mama was watching TV with kaden on the couch .

" ma. Can u watch kaden so me and indiaa . can have a sister day " . I said .

" sure y'all go have a great time " she said trying to hand me her card ..

" no mama I don't need that . I got it . " I said .

" just take it " she said putting it in my hand I really don't need it but I took it anyways cause every time we go out she hand me her card ..

" I'm ready " Indiaa shouted .

" ight ma . " I said kissing her fore head .. And kaden leaving out the door .

* driving to the mall . *

Lucas p.o.v

Hey yall I know y'all like why u walked out on keria .. Because I wasn't ready to be a father I'm sure she understand that .

" baby what are u doing " my girlfriend jada said
Yes girlfriend me and Jada been together for a year . and tbh I really miss keria but whatever I moved on .

" nothing just thinking . "

" ik . u ain't thinking about that hoe . keria " .. She said we don't been through this to many times .

" she ain't no hoe . man leave me alone " I said as I went into the room .

She followed me into the room " Lucas . u need to stop thinking about her and I'm the only one u suppose to be think-- " I cut her off by slamming the   door in her face ion have time to deal with her bull shit . .

* 1 hour later *
I decided IMA go to my momma house .

" I'm going to my mama house u coming " I ask Jada .

" uh sure " she said .

" cool " I said getting my keys waiting on her to come out the house . I locked the door and went to my car .

I got in cutting the engine on .. I was omw to mamas house . we were  quiet the whole way there .

I knocked on the door and my sister , lala came to the door . ( an : I really don't know his siblings so IMA make them up )

" hey Lucas , hey hoe . " she said Jada mugged her ..

" chill out wassup " I said hugging her .

Walking into the house my mama was in the living room ..

" hey mama " I said ..

" hey baby " she said then she looked over at Jada . then looked back at me .

" heyyyy mamaa " Jada said ..

" hunny u ain't my child so don't call me mama " that hushed Jada up real quick I laugh and sat down .. Jada looked all mad . like I really care .

" son what I tell u about bringing her to my house " she said . like ik she see Jada right there . her and my sister don't like her .they said they like keria better ion blame them doe.  ..

" u said u don't like hoes in your house and she one of them " I said pointing to Jada just as my momma said when I first bring her over here .

Jada screamed and ran out . I follow behind her ..

" JADA !  " I said ..

" what ! " she scream ..

" what's wrong " I said I like didn't know what happen .

" you know exactly what happen . " she said " u let your mother and your sister talk to me like they crazy and u don't  say anything " she said with tears in her eyes .

" ik I'm sorry let's go home. "   I told her .


Keria p.o.v

We was in the mall .

I was talking to indiaa when this boy bumped into me and let me tell u he was finee dark skin .

" my bad . shawty . " dude said .

" it alright I wasn't looking where I was going . " I said looking at him then looking at indiaa then back to him

" I'm mike " he said .

" I'm keria " .

" so can I get them digits . " he said . it won't hurt to get to know somebody ad friends so I gave him my number . and me in indiaa went on with our way after staying like 3 hours in the mall we went to the movies  and watched fifty shades of Grey . and out to eat

Then I dropped her her off at my mothers and got my baby and we went home

When I got home I took a shower and gave Gave kaden a bath  and headed for bed .


* Next day . *


I felt like this chapter was long but this is the first chapter and I think this I'd going to be better then the other parts I was doing .. But we will see .

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