chapter XIX

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Keria p.o.v

4 months later

It was in the middle of the night and I was having really bad pains in my lower stomach,. But I ignored the pain but
I was so uncomfortable I was all on lucas and over the bed . kaden sleeps in his own room now .

The I felt something wet and it was dripping down my legs and I was on lucas so it was a puddle on him and it was a puddle on the bed .,

I sat up and lucas started waking up . he then touch the wet spot and looked at me .

" did u pee on me ? " he said

" umm no MY WATER BROKE DUMB ASS " I yelled as the pain hit me worst .

" ohh shit let's get you to the hospital "

He then went to put me in the car with my hospital bag . I had already had my phone and I was calling my momma and everybody else .

And lucas ran in the house I'm guessing he went to get kaden .

He rush back out with kaden . putting him in the back seat . buckling his seat belt .
Getting in the car driving off

Oh yeah me and dre still talk he my friend . but right now is not the time to talk about him

" hurry the fuck up " I yelled .

" okay I'm trying . I'm trying "

" shut the fuck up "

And before I knew it we was at the hospital .

He got kaden out and me then we rush in

" what you need " some nurse said at the front desk .

" what tf it look like get me to a labor and delivery room "

She nodded and got me to an labor and delivery room

The hooked me up to all these machines .

My momma them came and I started asking for an epidural .

The nurse said they had to go to the waiting room while I get and epidural . only one person could stay and that was lucas

They had to wait a least 20 minutes .

I was now 9 cm dilated so I now had to wait til I was 10

Then my family came back in rich couldn't come cause he was back in atl .

1 hour later .

So the only people was gone be in the room was my momma and lucas and his mama .,

The doctors came in and said it was time to push .

So everybody got out except lucas and my momma and his mama .

Every time I push they said the baby heart rate would go down . so we would wait a Lil bit and every time the doctor leave the baby heart rate would go back up so the doctor said he would have to schedule a c-section .

And tbh honest y'all I cried . because they got to cut me open .

This time they only could have one person in the room . so Lucas stayed
He had to put on the things you wear when you back I the c-section room
15 minutes later .

They was ready to do the procedure .

I could feel them cutting me a little so I let some tears roll down .

Lucas p.o.v

Keria had a tear roll down here cheek and I wipes away I then continue to look at when they was cutting her .

5 minutes later

I heard my baby girl Cry's .

They then let Me cut the umbilical cord .
I had showed Keria her but she fell asleep .

And I had to go in the nursery thingy so they can weight her and all that stuff. Then they pull the curtain up so the family and friends can see her
Every body was out there lol

" you can go and see shyKeria every thing is clean up and is woke " the doctor said I nodded and took a picture of her so Keria can see her .

Keria p.o.v

I had went to sleep . and I woke back up and they was cleaning stuff up then the nurse said she was gone bring Lucas up here .

5 minutes later Lucas walk in .
Still Lin the hospital suit and let me tell u he looked sexy with it on . lol

" where my baby " I ask

" nursery " he said .

" well they need to hurry up and do what they do so they can bring me my baby so I can see her "

" here I got an picture of her " he said showing me a picture .

Awwe she was so pretty she honestly looked like me and Lucas .

" so what you naming her "

"Kadence D'anna (dee-ana) coly " I said and he smiled .

2 days later

Well that's it for this chapter .

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(What Lucas had on in the mm )

Oh yeah y'all she ain't have a baby shower cause she already got the stuff she needed

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