04; deal

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"Are you sure that Bill doesn't just want to like..." Allison paused her sentence to do air quotes, "meet you?"

"I'm positive." I rolled my eyes as I dusted on a layer of powder over my face's perfect makeup.

"As positive as your pregnancy test?"

I shot a glance towards her and she flinched as she giggled like a school girl.

"Ugh, I'm gonna murder you." I groaned, slipping on my flats and standing on my toes to spin around in the mirror to make sure that my outfit was okay. "Okay, I'm ready.. I think."

Allison was sitting on my bed and squinting as she looked me up and down.

"Do I look okay?" I asked, holding my arms out and turning around. "Hurry up!" I said, noticing that it was 7:20pm already. "I can't be late to meet Mr. Turner."

"Mr. Turner?" She laughed out loud before standing up and walking to my jewelry box. "Kinky." she whispered, making me laugh even though I wanted to punch her.

"What're you doing?" I sighed as she started to dig through my neatly placed necklaces. She grabbed one and walked towards me. "What's that?"

"It's the final touch." She wiggled her eyebrows as she held up the necklace to me. It was a small gold cross that my grandmother gave me at my quinceañera.

"You're awful." I shook my head.

"Hey, I'm not the one who lied about this in the first place." She raised an eyebrow at me sassily. "Now, Mr. Turner is waiting. May I?" she held the necklace up again and I sighed before turning around and lifting my hair up so she could put the necklace on me.


I arrived at The Roast around ten minutes after eight. I walked in, tightly gripping my purse when I saw him sitting in the corner at a table as he typed away on his tablet computer flippy things that they have commercials for.

"Excuse me?" I muttered as I approached. He looked up quickly and gave me a dazzling smile. I almost thought his teeth were going to blind me.

"Oh, you must be Lily! What a beautiful girl! Please, sit." He closed his laptop and slid it into his bag. I nodded, giving a small smile and sitting parallel to him. "Would you like anything?"

"Uh, sure, I'll have just a regular coffee." I answered and he called over a waitress to fill up the empty cup that was already sitting in front of me.

"So, Lillian Mendoza..." He began, taking a sip of his coffee. "I'm going to take a wild guess here and say that your story is complete bullshit." His bluntness nearly made me choke and I immediately felt very stupid.

"I-uh, well..." I began to stumble over my words but luckily he interrupted.

"But our country is full of insanely religious people that might just believe that you are growing the new Jesus Christ inside of your uterus." He gave a devilish smirk that you would never see on his TV show. "I can just see the headlines now. 'Virgin Lily'. And everyone who has cable, whether they believe you or think you're just some lying slut, will tune in to watch you on my show. So, what do you say?"

"Tempting offer, but I honestly just started this whole thing so that my family wouldn't disown me." I coughed out, getting out of my shell. "Having the world know me as a lying slut doesn't sound very fun."

"That's why I'm hoping that it could be worth it if some money was involved." He said in a hushed voice.

"Some... money?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Fifty thousand. For now, of course." He shrugged.



"A hundred."

"You expect me to give a hundred thousand dollars to some girl just to lie about being a virgin?" He scoffed.

"Yes, because I may be a liar but I'm not a complete idiot. I know for a fact that you would make way more than that based on all of the viewings and attention that your show would be getting because of me." I swallowed hard, trying to keep my tough act up. He chuckled as he sat back in his seat.

"Sixty." He threw out.

"Ninety." I threw back, crossing my arms. He growled under his breath.

"Seventy-five." He offered and I let out a sigh before nodding. "Come with me to my office and I could throw together a contract and have an article up by tomorrow."

"And the money?"

"I could give you twenty-five tonight and fifty after the show, along with other payments depending on how well this whole thing goes."


i think ive been watching daredevil too much

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