05; saved for last

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I chewed on my fingernails as I read the article.

"Lillian Mendoza awoke one morning to an abnormal sick feeling in her stomach and rushed to the local clinic to discover that she was pregnant. Of course, this is not an abnormal event. But what is following may shock you.

Mendoza is a virgin.

Upon interviewing her, I got some of her backstory. She stated, 'I grew up in a very, very, very religious household, and although I may not have pictures of Jesus surrounding my apartment like my mother does, I am a strong believer in not having sex before marriage."

After we finished our coffee the night before, Bill, he did the whole "call me Bill" thing, drove me to his office and he had me make a statement and sign a contract.

To sum it up, the contract basically said that I could not say anything to anyone that contradicted the Virgin Mary thing.

I read the rest of the article and scrolled down to see that there were already fifty comments. I ran my cursor over to the button to see them but I stopped myself and rolled back in my chair. I let out a sigh, reaching for the small paper that was on my desk.

The check for twenty-five thousand dollars.

That kind of money was more than five times the highest amount that I had ever had in my bank account, and there would be more where that came from.

"Do you think you did the right thing?" Allison asked from behind me and I nearly jumped out of my skin.

"Shit, you scared me." I scoffed, "I honestly don't know.."

"You can't even, like, hook up with guys unless they solemnly swear never to say a word." Allison frowned as she sat on my bed.

"Hey, one of the things in this article is true. I'm still pregnant." I sighed.

"Sorry, I forgot... it's kinda hard to imagine my best friend having a child. I didn't think this would happen until we're like thirty." She laid back on my bed with her arms spread out. "I'm not even going to have a drinking buddy for the next nine months!"

"And beyond." I laughed sadly. "Don't expect me to be getting wasted with you while breastfeeding my newborn." Allison pulled herself off of my bed and gave me a tight hug.

"Since I don't expect you to be my sugar daddy, I have to go to work." She shrugged and I nodded.

Once I heard her leave through the front door I collapsed onto my bed and curled up.

I don't know if it was the hormones, the fact that I was a pregnant teenager, or the feeling that I sold my soul to the devil, but I began to sob into my pillow as emotions took over me.

I awoke about an hour later to the sound of my phone ringing on my desk. I groggily rolled off my bed and looked to see that Bill was calling. I picked it up and yawned.

"So thankful for you picking up. I mean, I've only called you three times." He huffed from the other line. "Anyways, I have a spot open for you on the show tomorrow night."

"Tomorrow night?" I suddenly felt very awake and very nervous.

"Yes. And in order to actually have people view it, I need to start advertising it as soon as possible. So, can you do it?" he asked.

"I d-" I almost said that I couldn't until my eyes laid upon the check and I thought of the rest of the money that I would lose. You need this. For your child. "Okay. Yes, I can do it."


The day that passed felt like seconds and I suddenly found myself backstage of Turnin' It Around with Bill Turner along with my grandma, mom, and Allison. My grandma and my mom basically fangirled when Bill invited them and Allison whispered to me something about him being a daddy.

I was sitting on a couch, my foot tapping the floor rapidly as I picked at the nail polish of my newly painted nails. Somehow I was the main attraction of that circus of a show and, quoting Bill, "the best are always saved for last."

"Lillian? You're on in five." Some guy with a clipboard and a headset called into the door and I thought my heart jumped through my throat. I stood up, wiping my sweaty palms on the dress that they had me borrow, and before I was about to head for the door I felt Allison grip onto my forearm.

"You've got this." She said, giving me a tight squeeze. I nodded and gave my mom a hug before leaving the room and standing side stage. As Bill sat at his chair, waiting for his queue, he looked at me quickly and winked. If it wasn't for the surprising amount of security, I would've ran for the hills.

"Welcome back to Turnin' It Around! I'm Bill Turner and our last guest today has a very unique story."

another update yAY

anyways it's been 5 chapters and ashton was only in not even half of the first one but he will be in it starting next chp!!!

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