The Barn Tragedy?!

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The little Wolf and the 3 remaining family members found shelter at a barn of cows and horses; the other animals tried to ease their cries as the wolf family asked why to themselves in barely a whisper. The next day little wolf snuck out of the barn to find a nice tree that had eye capturing pink hue to sleep under, so she could be alone, so no one w1ould see her cries. There she wept and wept as she thought about the loved ones that died last night. Half past dawn little Wolf decided to go back to the shabby old barn to talk about their next move, but as she got to the barn entrance she was greeted with blood splatted over the floor and walls, when she looked deeper into the barn she saw her family laying there blood pooling around them as their eyes dulled. Little Wolf stared at her family feeling upset and guilty, but no tears were unleashed, feeling empty she turned and ran out of the barn. She ran for what felt like a month but in reality, it was just a few days, only stopping for water than continued.

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