Chapter Four

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Charlie had been taking a walk through a muggle village to clear his head. He had just finished writing a letter to his parents about summer. The family were going on vacation for the summer, and they had chosen to visit Bill in Egypt. The summer months were still a bit away, but Charlie had to be ready early. He had to make sure everything was cleared for him to go to the Burrow for a few weeks during the summer. He planned to spend two weeks at the Burrow, before the two weeks they were going to spend in Egypt.

Normally, he wouldn't feel as stressed sending a letter to his parents, but this time was different. He hadn't ever took a full month off of work before, so he had to make sure his parents knew at any moment he could be needed at the Sanctuary for an emergency, or his vacation time could be cut short at last minute, which he knew his mother would have a fit over.

As he walked down the road, he heard a commotion coming from one of the homes in the village. He was going to ignore it at first, but the sound grew louder. He could hear that someone was screaming, and when he had gotten closer, he could tell it was a woman. He wondered if any of the other witches and wizards in the muggle village heard, but he wasn't sure. He ran to the noise, and he could tell the woman was frantic. He quickly got into the home, knowing he had to act fast. He followed the sound of the woman's screams, which brought him to a scene he couldn't unsee.

There was a man standing over a small child, threatening to stomp on the boy. Charlie looked over and seen the woman, she was covered in her own blood and tears, and he could tell she was badly hurt. The way she was dressed though, made him believe she was a witch. No muggle woman would dress like she did on a regular basis, and her style was unique, much like most wizarding families. He figured she was most likely a Muggleborn, since many things in her home were muggle like.

In one swift movement, Charlie tackled the man to the floor and began to throw punches at him. He kept punching the man until the man was unconscious, then he stood up and looked over at the woman and the boy. In the boy's lap was a black cat, which looked oddly similar to a kneazle. Muggles didn't have kneazles though, so if the cat was a kneazle, than the woman was a witch. Seeing how loving and protective the kitten was over the boy and the woman, he was almost sure it was a kneazle. Obviously the kitten was too small to protect its family yet, but Charlie knew it would grow and become stronger.

Charlie could tell the woman wasn't going to be able to stay conscious much longer, which really worried him. He had to get her, the little boy, and now the kitten to safety. He knew the man was a muggle, since he had been hurting the woman and boy with his hands instead of a wand, so he knew he had to call the muggle police.

"Where's your phone?" Charlie asked, remembering when his friend, Adam, had explained telephones to him.

"Kitchen." The woman answered, her voice barely audible.

Charlie quickly ran to the kitchen and called the police, before running back into the room where he had left the woman and the boy.

"I-I can help you, but you have to trust me." Charlie said, as he looked at the woman with worried eyes.

"Please." She murmured, her eyes barely staying open.

"I'm going to take your boy first. I will have someone help him, then I'll come back for you." Charlie stated, and the woman nodded.

Charlie picked up the boy and his kitten, and it pained him when he heard the boy cry out. With a sigh, he concentrated for a moment, before apparating to his place. When he arrived, the boy was crying once again, most likely due to the apparition, since he was already hurt. Charlie brought the boy over to his couch and laid him down, before he sent a patronus to the healer at the Sanctuary, her name was Ana. The healer arrived almost instantly with many supplies.

"I have to go back for his mother. Please, watch him." Charlie said, and Ana nodded.

"I have him, don't worry." Ana replied, causing Charlie to nod once.

When Charlie arrived back at the woman's home, he seen that the police had arrived. He brought the officers to the man and woman, before he explained that he was taking the woman to a doctor. The police quickly handcuffed the man, then thanked Charlie for saving the woman's life. The woman was barely conscious now, but he could tell she was by the small slits that showed her eyes were still open.

What he didn't know was that he had frightened the woman when he took her son, especially when he disappeared into thin air. He didn't know that she was a muggle with extremely different standards, which was why he would've believed she wasn't a muggle. Picking her up in his arms, Charlie calmed himself once again, before he apparated back to his place. Walking inside with the woman, he brought her to his guest room and laid her down on the bed.

"Charlie, we have a problem." Ana said, as she entered the room.

"What?" He asked, worried something was wrong with the little boy.

"The boy, I'm almost sure is a muggle, and I have a feeling so is the mother." Ana commented, but Charlie quickly shook his head.

"There's no way. I would've known." He replied, and Ana sighed.

She decided to agree with him, knowing he was distraught. Though the mother and son duo were muggles, Ana refused to let them stay hurt. She knew the mother wasn't going to last much longer if she didn't help, and she was never going to let someone die in her care. With a single nod of her head, Ana grabbed potions, creams, and her wand to help the woman.

"The boy is healed, but I gave him a Calming Draught and a Sleeping Draught. I figured he probably needed the rest. He and his mother will most likely be out for the night. I will come back to check on them at eight in the morning." Ana stated, as she placed her things on the bed near the woman.

Charlie simply nodded, feeling a bit of weight being lifted off of his shoulders when he heard the good news from Ana. It wasn't great news, but it was enough to calm him down a bit...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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