Chapter 1: What Is This?

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Mia's POV

I just woke up about 5 minutes ago, so I'm still tired. YAWN! Anyway, I'm gonna have melon bread for breakfast, it's my favourite. But just as I went to look for some in the cupboard, IT WAS GONE!!!

"GA-GAAAAAN!!! WHO TOOK MY MELON BREAD?!" I yelled real loud.

"Mia-chan, it's ok. I'll just go buy some more later," said mama.

"NO! I want it now!"

"Fine. I'll go now."

Augh! I'm starving. I know I could've just ate something else, but melon bread is just too good. Anyway, while waiting for mama, I went back to my room and got my Smart Pod Touch. A Smart Pod Touch are like phones used for Prism Stars like me. Honestly, I had no idea what it was at first either. If you don't know, Prism Stars are idols who perform Prism Shows, which include singing, dancing, Prism Jumps and sometimes, a Prism Act. I'll get into that whole Prism stuff later.

Back to my Smart Pod Touch, I call my best friend, Hye In. She's from that K-Pop group called, PURETTY❤️‍.

"Hye In! Hi!" I said.

"Hi Mia! How are you?" she asked.

"I'm absolutely fine. you?"


"What are you doing, Hye In?" I asked.

"I'm practicing some dance moves early in the morning," she responded

"Huh? Why?"

"So the girls and I will be successful in our upcoming Prism Shows. Anyways, I need to go do skating now."

"OK, but remember, with Prism Shows, MIA GA ICHIBAN!!!" That's one of my favourite catchphrases.

"Hahaha! Oh Mia. See you soon, bye!"

"Bye Hye In!" I the turned of my Smart Pod Touch.

You know, the more I think about it, I should be number 1 with Prism Shows. Why? 'Cause MIA GA ICHIBAN!!! I want to be number 1 with anything and everything so I'll rule in the future! MUWAHAHAHA!!!

Amu's POV

Oh no! I'm running late for school... AGAIN! I'm now in middle school. Middle school may seem like fun and all, but as soon the teachers start giving you homework and projects to finish, the fun ends there.

"Ran, can't we just character change?" I asked.

"No," she answered.

"And why not?"

"'Cause you're only 5 feet away from the door."

I look ahead and forget that my own guardian character had a really good point. I finally turn the door knob and opened the door when the headmistress, Genkakuna Kiritsu, was standing right in front of me while having her arms crossed.

"Hinamori Amu!" she scolded.

"Y-Yes, Genkakuna-san?" I was so nervous, I could feel stress sweat dripping under my bangs.

"How many times did I tell you not to be late or else we'll have a discussion with your parents about tardiness?"

"Um, three, I guess?" I lied. I got late four times, not three. I just really didn't want to get in trouble.

"Hmm, well then, I won't give you any sort of punishment," I smiled at this, but then she said, "if you get to school early on the next day. If you don't, 10 minutes of detention."

Okay, so she is giving me a second chance, but I can't always be early. I always wake up late because my alarm clock is broken, there are just too many people on the street, and lastly, I sometimes have to purify X-Eggs that appear. Life changed so much when middle school started.

"It's okay Amu-chan. It's a weekend tomorrow anyway," said Miki.

"I'll make you something comforting to drink when we get home-desu," said Su.

"Amu-chan, it's alright," said Dia.

"Faito(Fight)! Gambatte(Good Luck/Work Hard) Amu-chan!," Ran cheered, waving her pom poms.

My guardian characters always cheer me up. If you don't know, guardian characters come from guardian eggs - or heart's egg. Guardian characters are your would-be self.

Although, if you give up right away and get really depressed, your heart's egg turn's into an X-Egg. If an X-Egg hatches, it'll turn into an X-Character. They're dangerous because you don't know what it can do.

To stop the X-Egg/Character, you have to purify it (something I can do when I character transform with any of my guardian characters), but to do that, you have to remind the X-Egg/Character that they shouldn't give up and that they should keep doing their best.

Mia's POV

☀️ Next Morning

"GA-GAAAAAN!!! WHAT IS THIS?!" I know I wanted to be number one and all but, WHY'D I GET AN EGG?! I touch it. It's kinda warm. Is it about to be born or something? Hmm... I wonder what's gonna hatch out of it.

"Mia-chan! Come down, breakfast is ready and there's still some more melon bread!"

It's mama! I can't let her know I just gave birth to an egg. I put it in my purse, which is all fluffy in the inside so the egg won't break.

"Coming mama!"

I then get dressed, brush my teeth, then my hair, put on my pink bow and ran downstairs.

As soon as breakfast was over, I rushed back up to my room and took the egg out of my bag. I studied it more closely, then I realized, it had a really nice looking design.

The base colour was a lighter shade of black with both light & dark red checkers on it. On the front, it it had a huge, light blue1and on that it had a light purple, um, what do ya call those music symbols? Oh yeah! A treble, I think.

Anyway, there was this question that keeps bothering me. Is this still part of the whole prism thing or what? Well, I have to go meet up with Prizmmy☆ now.

Karin's POV

Oh? What could this be? I found an egg on my bed all of a sudden. The design really popped out and was colourful. It was yellow with a polka-dotted, blue stripe in the middle going around the egg. And it had a bright green quarter note on it.

I put it in my bag to keep it safe. As you see, I prefer to take things more calmly, unlike my great friend, Mia who freaks out a lot.

Anyway, this might have all started when I said that I wanted to have a bright future by being an amazing Prism Star, doing Prism Shows last night. I mean, I know I said that, but why did I get an egg?

I should probably keep this a secret first, especially from my 8 brothers. If they see this, they'll be running around with it and whatever's inside the egg won't like it.

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