Chapter 12

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"No, mum, she has a kid. I've met her parents. They're stricter than you and are a heavily Christian family. Her having a kid was a big no; however, her mother and father are coming to terms with me and her dating." I explained.

"I want to make sure that you're not doing anything you will regret." My mum started, "And what about her kid? She's not making look after her kid?" Mum questioned.

"No, she does all the work", Spencer explains smiling, thinking about what Scarlet and Ariel are doing at the moment.

"And before I forget, her parents would like to meet you? Would you like to have lunch with them and their family? It would be at a park," I asked my parents.

"I think we can arrange that" Mum smiled with the drinks being delivered to the table. We continued to talk about my classes and how I kicked out my roommate for being disrespectful and not agreeing to clean up after his parties.


Today's the day the two sweethearts' parents are meeting each other. They are both being very nervous. Both of their families have different views on life. The love birds didn't know how they would react to one another.

Scarlet packed Ariels' bag for the park, with her phone and wallet in there and all the essentials mother of a young child would need.

"Are you ready for the park? We are meeting Spencer's mummy and daddy?" I asked my daughter.

"Yeah, can we play in the playground?" Ari asked.

"You sure can", Scarlet smiled as she did her daughter's hair.

"Should we do a braid today?" Scarlet asked. "Yes, please," Ari smiled.

Scarlet did her daughter's hair in two braids into one. Scarlet then brushed her hair and put it up into a ponytail.

"Let's go help Grammy and Gramps get everything into the car," Scarlet asked her daughter to help her grandparents.

"We could get there a little early so you can play on the playground a little longer and might even get to though the ball around." Scarlet smiled, grabbing their bag heading for their room with Ari following behind her like a puppy.

"Scarlet, Ariel, would you like to help me finish making the sandwiches? Our lemonade is done," Scarlet's mum asked.

"Mum, I don't want her to think, just because she is a girl, she has to do all the women's chores," Scarlet explained to her mum.

"I would like my granddaughter to know. It's nice to help Scarlet." Scarlet's mother protested. Scarlet huffed.

"Ari, would you like to help Grammy finish up?" Scarlet asked her daughter, who looked up at her mum, smiling.

"I enjoy helping Grammy" Ariel skipped towards the kitchen.

"Alright, I will pack my car" Scarlet smiled finished walking out with her bag.

Ariel and her grandma finished the sandwiches, packed them in a cooler bag, and packed the lemonade separately so it didn't spill everywhere.


When Scarlet parked her car under a tree, Ari Patiently waited for the vehicle to stop so she could run over to the playground.

Scarlet looked in her revision mirror, ensuring Ariel stayed seated and buckled in her big girl car seat.

"Please stay seated, baby girl, until I turn the engine off, and I get out of the car," Scarlet smiled.

When Ariel jumped out of the car, she ran towards the playground. Scarlet kept watch of her daughter whilst getting her bag and Ariel's seat out of the vehicle, along with a ball, glove and bat.

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