Chapter 14

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Today's the day when my life, our life, changed; it's been 3 and a half years since he left for the sky's watching over us.

Last night, when Ariel slept, I looked at the memories we created over the years we had been together. I looked at photos from our first date and all the other dates we went on, the times we played each other's schools, and the time we found out we were pregnant.

I honestly didn't know how I would do it without him, if I would ever find something as good as him. It will never be the same.

This morning, I got up and helped Ari prepare for school, making sure everyone kept silent about today. Our daughter is too young to know what happened to her father. I hate I am keeping this from her. All she knows is he is no longer with us and loves her very much.

When Ari has her clothes on, I took my time, not going to school immediately; thankfully, I had a free period first. I used this time to get a coffee and sit with him. Felix loved milkshakes, So I brought one for him too.

Sitting down, I place his vanilla milkshake in his grave

"Hey, babe. How's it going up there?" I ask, smiling.

"I miss you so much there is I have to tell you", I whispered to him. I continue to talk to him, telling him all about Ari and how fast she is growing up. Also, I received a full scholarship for baseball and physiotherapy.

I wasn't sure if I should have told him about Spencer. We both hated liars, so I told him about spencer and how they would've gotten along if we didn't work out.

"Ariel loves him," I smiled, pulling out the ring from my pocket. "This will be hers one day. I will always love you, no matter who I am with. They will know about you and have to share you with me." I looked up at his stone; I remembered his laugh.


I stayed quiet at school today; given the day, if we weren't a part of the baseball community, you wouldn't know that Ariel's father was dead. I'm Surprised Spencer doesn't know.

If you had someone in your life so special, you loved and connected with. You wouldn't know how hard the anniversary of that person's death is. When you have to relive the moment, police officers coming to the door, when you are there, as they are taking their last breath whilst they are holding your hand.

At Lunch today, I went to sit with the boy's baseball team; they welcomed me smiling and giving me depressing looks like I hadn't seen them all day.

Bradlee Captain asked me how I'm feeling today and if I'm going to the game in honour of Paul. Outside of school, Bradlee and Paul were great friends. They played on the same baseball team outside of school.

Nodding my head, I smiled. Felix had a big heart for everyone and everything, from his baseball to helping people at school and in the community.

We laughed at how he would cheer on the other team if they were really lagging. He encouraged the players, sometimes even helping them injured or defeated.

When the last bell of lunch rang, the boy's baseball team walked me to my locker, telling me they would pick me up at my locker and walk me down to the field.

Later in the afternoon, when the last school bell rang, I headed to my locker to meet up with Bradlee with a few other baseball players. One of them helped with my bag while we walked toward the field. So many people stood there, including my mum and dad, my brothers and Ariel, who ran up to me.

When I saw Felix's parents standing there, I smiled and walked up to them with Ariel.

"Baby, this is daddy's parents, your grandparents." I smiled.

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