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He knew he should've ignored the tugging feeling in his gut the moment his mother called for him. Yet she wanted an answer, and she will get one. Though you were there, his mother always made him feel like his gift wasn't good enough, how many times has he did visions left and right to satisfy his Mamá weren't enough, they all ended up inessential and his visions of the future worsens.

You were there for him, to comfort his failure, another bad vision and he bawled again, repeating words that were too hurtful, somehow yet again he ended in your arms. You never pass up for a cuddle or two until he felt better, you ran your mouth dry with praise even as the townspeople started to give you the stink-eye. He realizes you don't deserve him.

He thinks, the only ever time Alma were proud of Bruno was when you married him, when you came into his life and bear him children he loved so dearly. The endearment from the Madrigal matriarch was for his kids or you, it was never directly him.

So when he look into the future finally after he decides not to use it the last time, much to his mother's displeasure, and ignoring the quiet plea from townspeople to look into theirs. What he saw left him distraught.

An illusion of teenage Mirabel forms in front of him, behind her was their house, their Casita; breaking. The sand materializes into glass as he leans it to take a good look at it more. Fixing and breaking. The future in his hands undecided but he knows what it means; another bad vision, the worst one yet. And if—if ever his Mamá sees this, Dios knows what she will think of him, of Mirabel. She will have to ask him what the future gives and he will have to give in to her wants. He can't look at Alma's disappointed frown.

He soon had the idea to leave town, to leave everything behind, he needs to protect his niece from being outcasted like when he was. To protect himself from an onslaught of heartbreaking emotions. He was scared of the outcome. He was a coward.

He then remembers you, unsuspecting and sweet and kind you. Where you were probably awaiting his return in your shared bedroom, best to talk about the incident that had just occurred moments earlier and what to do onward. If you would find out about this, you'd make sure to protect him all you can. But right now, it's best you won't. He doesn't want to burden you any longer, you're better off with a better husband than he is.

He would have to leave you.

No! No– he can't just up and leave! What will his children do after they've find out he left, he would miss their coming of age. The funny stages of their puberty, he wanted to see them go through a phase he also did as a teen. He didn't want to leave them fatherless for how many years that he didn't know. He want to find a way to change the impending future of his familia, but how will he?

He looked into it again, and again, and again. Until his eyes could no longer, sore and glowing brightly in pain, his head pounding. His view of the world now spinning, dizzy and he felt a warm ooze spilt on his nose. The sand in his  room soon stopped against his demand in which visions only appeared inside his head. He sniffled once and tiredly, not wanting to give up and let unconsciousness take the best of him.

It was all pointless, all the same events flashing before his very eyes. He felt hopeless and dread. He glared at the glass vision in almost anger, it stared back, Mirabel stared back at the same worried look as she had earlier, when she was ought to reach for her door and didn't expect it all to happen, she was just a child, just what are you showing me? He sighed tiredly before tossing the emerald glass aside like all the other visions, with the same horrible fate. So does the rickety bridge that connects his thousand of stairs and the vision cave. Saying goodbye to it all.

He retreated back down, deep in thought, and grief-stricken. Back in his bedroom, he guessed he wanted to see you before he goes forever, not knowing when he will come back. If he will ever come back.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2022 ⏰

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