Chapter 1- Goodmorning

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I love him.

How does it always turn out like this? Why can't I be a normal person and not fall in love with my bestfriend? I really envy people who can control their emotions. Maybe it's not even my fault, maybe it's his for be so perfect.

But regardless, I love him. But he doesn't love me; no way, no how.

And that. That is what tears me apart inside.



"Goodmorning, lovey," he climbs into my bed, sitting by my feet.

I rub my eyes and groan a little, "why are you in here so early?"

I glance over at the clock. My tired eyes make the bright red numbers appear blurred but I can still make out the time. 4 a.m.

"I just thought I'd surprise you," he looks down at his hands while he plays with the edge of my blanket. The smile on his face fades away just like my consciousness is.

"Jack, I'm going back to bed, it's way too early for me to be able to function," I roll over, pulling the blankets with me and out of Jack's hands.

"No, silly. You can't go back to sleep. We're going somewhere today and we have to leave early."

"Leave," I mumble into my pillow. Although I can't see him, I can feel through his silence that I've hurt his feelings, so I add, "Please."

"Noah, you're not a morning person, are you?"

"No. Now go back to your own room. Please and thank you."

I hear him get up and shuffle his way across the wooden floor of my bedroom. I drift back asleep and don't wake until 10:30ish.


I slink down stairs, and into the kitchen that I share with Jack.

"Jack!" I call out, but he doesn't reply. I've upset him. Great.

I open the fridge and grab the bottle of mango juice. I pour a small glass for Jack, and one for myself.

"I put out a glass for you," I call out again. Nothing. "Ugh."

I hear a lady bug buzz and watch as it lands on the granite counter top, next to Jack's glass. I drink my juice and head back upstairs.



I wake up at 3:28 in the morning, right before my alarm clock had the chance to beep.

Today is the day I planned for me and Noah to take a trip to ZSL, the London Zoo. It's finally the day and I'm can't be more excited!

We lives so close to the zoo, but rarely visit it because of our extremely tight schedules. I mean, between interviews and photo shoots and tours and errands, we don't really have time for anything, anymore. But this is something I really want to do before we leave for the interview in New York on Tuesday. We'll be staying in the United States for nearly two months, touring from coast to coast.

Being away from home for long periods of time is something we're definitely used to but just because we're used to it doesn't mean we like it. Especially Noah. He gets so homesick that sometimes he demands we fly back to the U.K. for a couple days, between concerts.

I roll out of bed, and stumble out of my room to the bathroom. I slip out of my pajamas and stand shivering while I wait for the water to warm up. Carefully, I reach my hand in and feel the water.

"Ouch," I pull my hand out reflexively and turn the knob so it's pointed more towards the blue C than the red H, and then step in.


"Jack, I'm going back to bed, it's way too early for me to be able to function," he rolls over, facing away from me.

"No, silly. You can't go back to sleep. We're going somewhere today and we have to leave early," my voice cracks a little. I forgot how difficult my best friend can be in the mornings.

"Leave," he mumbles. I say nothing but stay curled up by his feet. I feel like our cat, Felix, who Noah and I rescued from a shelter when we first moved in together. He adds, "please."

I sigh softly, and get up and slink out of his room. So much for our fun day together.

I guess it is unnecessarily early. But I heard if you are the first people there, you get to help feed the animals before the zoo actually opens. How cool would that have been?

I go downstairs into the kitchen and rip a little a paper out of the notebook on the counter and scrawl out a note for Noah. Then I slip on my Vans, grab a jacket and head out the door.


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