Chapter 2- Me Day

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"Jack, I'm awake now. Where did you want to go?" I call out, walking into his room. He's not there and I notice that his wallet isn't on his dresser in it's usual spot. I pull my mobile out of my back pocket and slide the unlock button across the bottom of the glowing screen.

I send him a text. 'Where are you?'

It doesn't say 'delivered' beneath the text. Great, he doesn't have his phone on.

I rub my eyes and walk back downstairs. A paper catches my eye. It's sitting next to the microwave, on the counter. I walk over, picking it up.


I've gone to the zoo. Hope you enjoy your day.'

What? I'm so confused for a minute. I reread the note and then crumple it up. Why would he go without me? Did I really hurt his feelings that much? He's such a baby sometimes.

Looks like the apartment's to myself today. I pour Jack's juice in the sink and wash out the glass. He can pour his own juice from now on.

I realize I have nothing fun planned for today. Being alone is boring, I'd honestly much rather be at the zoo with Jack, amongst the zoo animals and their human relatives, a.k.a. our fans. Don't get me wrong, I love them to death but boy, can they get crazy sometimes.

I lie down on the couch, putting my feet up on the arm rest, crossing my arms on my chest. I think about our fans, the fame, the tours, music, trips around the world. We're lucky. Not many people have what we have.

But I miss being young and innocent and unknown. Always being under the radar of paparazzi and fans, always being rushed around by our bodyguards, always on the go. it gets tiring.

I feel my phone vibrate. It's Jack.

'Didn't you read the note?'

I text back, 'yeah. have fun today.'

It says he's read my text, but he doesn't reply. What's his deal?


Jack walks through the door at 5:30. I hear him still in the doorway, saying goodbye to Andy, one of our bodyguards. I'm still on the couch and I honestly can't remember ever getting up at any point today. My body is aching from not having moved in hours.

"Hi mate," I wave a hand at him. He's got a stuffed animal tiger under one arm. He kicks off his shoes.

"Hi Noah," he says, heading toward the stairs. He stops at the bottom of the staircase and turns to me, "Did you have a good day?"

"Eh," I sit up and turn to look at him.

"That's too bad. I had a great time," he smiles at me but I can tell if it's sarcastic or not.



"Look, I really am sorry, little ducky. Don't be upset with me, please. You're my best mate," Noah gets up and bounces over to me.

He hugs me, and I hug back, somewhat reluctantly.

"I'm not really upset with you, Noz. If I were, I wouldn't have gotten this tiger for you," I put the tiger's nose by his and make a noise like the tiger is kissing him.

He makes his adorable scrunchy face and kisses the tiger back.

"I'll make us some dinner," he smiles at me, turning towards the kitchen, leaving me. I bound up the stairs and through the tiger onto his bed, on my way to my own room.


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