Chapter 4- Mia

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Today, I get to meet Jack for the third time, and Noah for the second time.

Jack says Noah doesn't remember meeting me. He doesn't know that I'm a fan.

'I'm afraid to tell him because he might tell management and things will become complicated,' Jack texts me.

'I understand. Be there in 10.'


Today should be interesting, to say the least. It's already noon though, so I don't really have to be there for very long. Plus, Jack says Noah is awful in the morning hours, and I want to leave a good impression on him. Leaving a good impression on an irritable, half asleep boy isn't the easiest thing to do...

I can't believe this is real life. How lucky am I?

Sadly enough, I haven't got any close mates really, so there's nobody to even share the exciting news of me and Jack's blooming friendship. And my foster parents could probably care less, too. As long as I'm out of their hair, they're happy.

I head out of door of my flat, onto the busy streets of London. Living in London is magnificent. Can't think of a place I'd rather be, honest. As I walk, I see so many familiar, as well as unfamiliar, faces. Regardless of whether I know them or not, I give each passing person a wave and a quick 'hullo.' Sometimes I get the occasional nod or wave back. Sometimes I get no response, or even on rare occasion, dirty looks. It's funny how differently people react to things.

I'm close to Jack and Noah's apartment now. There's a huge shift in social status between these two areas of London, and I find it so funny because I've only walked about 8 blocks. Not to say that where I live isn't nice, because it is, but obviously there will be a difference between the apartment of your average London family and the apartment of sensational teen singing stars.

When I arrive, I shoot Jack a text.

'I'm here'

A moment later, the door swings open and I find myself in someone's warm embrace.

"Miaaaaa," Jack says, letting go of me, and backing up a little, "come on in."

I smile at him, "good afternoon, love."

"NOAH! We have company!" he calls, facing the stairs. He turns back to me, smiling, "sorry, Noah is a bit of a hermit sometimes."

I step further into the living room, setting down my bag by the door. I take in my surroundings. This apartment is gorgeous. High ceilings, gorgeous wooden floors, spectacular little details here and there.

Noah comes flying down the stairs

"Is it my mum?!" he runs up to us and stops dead in his tracks when he looks up to see me standing there.

I bite my lip and offer a wave of my hand.

"Who.... what..." he looks so shocked, for some reason.

There's an awkward silence where the three of us are just standing there looking at one another and I'm about to introduce myself to Noah, but he takes out his phone, and types out a text very quickly.

Almost just as quickly, I hear Jack's phone vibrate in his pocket.



'Is this your girlfriend????' I text Jack.

I was really wishing it had been my mum, I was looking forward to seeing her before the tour.

'I told you, she's not my gf. But yes, she's the lovely Mia. Now be nice.'

'No promises there, ducky. I'm not sure I'll be able to tolerate a human being that is more intelligent than myself.' I hit send and then shove my phone into my back pocket.

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