Chapter 3- Thoughts

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Amen. He's not mad at me like I thought he'd be. Unless he's bluffing. But he's not even a good bluffer so why worry about it?

"Noz," Jack whispers, coming up behind me while I'm cooking, poking my sides.

I jump, gasping softly, "Shit Jack, why do you do that?!"

"Sorryyyy," he laughs, then walks over to the island bar, sitting on a stool.

"Dinner's done," I scoop mashed potatoes and chicken onto two plates, and carry them to the table, balancing them on either hand, like a waiter.

"Ew," Jack pokes at it with his fork.

"You're such a baby. You know you love the food I make, regardless as to what it is," I lift a fork-full of mashed potatoes to my mouth, "Eating mashed potatoes with a fork is so inconvenient. Half of it doesn't even make it to my mouth."

Jack looks at me and back down at his food.

"Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to be a vegetable." he takes a bite of chicken.


"You know, like being broccoli or something. Like do vegetables feel pain? It would be so nice to not have to deal with pain or emotions."

"You're incredibly strange," I say. But I'm wondering if there was a subliminal message he was trying to send. 'Nice to not have to deal with pain or emotions.' I feel almost bothered by this but I say nothing more.



I've sent Jack about 6 million texts today. I feel so creepy but I can't even help it.

I really like him. In fact, he's my definition of perfect. Those green eyes, light brown hair that is sits perfectly. Almost as if he was handcrafted by angels. Maybe he was.

It kind of hurts, the fact that he doesn't text back. After meeting him backstage, he gave me his number and promised we'd keep in touch. He seemed so nice. I feel like I'm just like the rest of his 'beloved' fans, whom he will forget right as the next group of girls walks backstage.

That's why I was incredibly surprised to get a call from him.



Today was great. Mia was so much fun to spend the day with, even though I still wish it had been Noah by my side to see the animals.

I've never really thought about dating a fan. But I kind of like her. She's adorable.

And she's strong-willed and very intelligent, which I find quite attractive as well. All the strange facts she pointed out about each animal kept me fascinated, not only in the animals, but also in her.

But management tells me dating a fan is too risky and could endanger me and/or Noah.

Screw management.



'Noz,' Jack squeaks. He's in his bed, cuddled in his blankets, 'come lie with me.'

I silently walk over, climbing in with my little ducky.

'Noz, you're so perfect,' he nuzzled his face into my neck and brings his arms around me.

What is going on?

I feel his soft lips pressed against my neck. It feels good. He has this gossamer aura surrounding him, and it's so beautiful.

No. No. What is wrong with me? No!

'Ja...' I trail off as he begins to kiss my neck softly, his lips brushing up under my chins. 'Jack. Stop.'

He says nothing and continues, squirming around so he's over top of me, laying on my bare chest. When did I take off my shirt? Something's not right here. I'm starting to panic.

'Shh, calm down, everything's alright,' he whispers in my ear. And then, he kisses me.

'Please stop,' I beg, even though something in me is loving this. I pull away from him and we make silent eye contact for a few seconds. He looks hurt him.

'Don't you love me?' he asks quietly. He looks crushed and I feel so guilty. As a shiny tear rolls down his face, it reflects the dim lighting that the moon gives through the window.

I sit up in my bed, and I'm sweating and shocked. What kind of sick dream was that? Where does my mind get this stuff from?

My breaths are heavy. I'm internally telling myself that it was only a dream. A very fucked up dream, but it wasn't real.

It's not real.

Felix jumps up onto my bed, purring loudly. I lie back down, and pet him.

It takes hours for me to finally clear my mind and fall back asleep.


And in the morning, I am completely exhausted.

"Well, good morning," Jack says, as I stumble down the stairs. He turns his head to actually looks at me from over in the living room and he laughs a little.

"What's so funny?" I mutter, shuffling into the kitchen to rummage through the fridge.

"You look bloody awful, Noah," he lifts a glass to his lips.

"Clear off, I've had a rough night,"

"Four days til we leave. Are you excited?" he successfully changes the subject.

"Not really. Just more added stress."

And what if I have another dream? We'll be staying in the same room, for a majority of the trip. That'll be interesting.

"How can you say that? C'mon Noz, you know it'll be fun," he looks down and I notice he's texting.

I walk over and sit next to him.

"A new texting mate?" I try to peak over to see the name, but his hand is barely in the way. All I can see is a 'M'.

"Yeah, a girl!" he exclaims, "when was the last time you've seen me talking to a girl?"

"If I'm recalling correctly, the last time you were talking to a girl was never," I joke, and then rub my eyes, yawning.

He elbows me gently. His phone vibrates and he smiles at the screen like a kid in a candy shop.

I know that smile.

"You've got a crush on her!" I point at Jack, laughing, "Jack's got a little girlfriend!"

"Stop, Mia's not my girlfriend! We're just friends, nothing more," he states with all the sangfroid in the world.

"So tell me about your new girlfriend," I ask, crossing my legs and placing my hands on my knees, acting overly interested.

He rolls his eyes, "she's NOT my girlfriend, but I really wouldn't mind if she wanted to fill that void. She's the epitome of perfection. But this next part might take some time for you to except....."

"What? Has she got a willie?" I laugh at my own stupidity.

He glares at me, "You're an idiot. It's just that...she's quite erudite."

"So we'll get along nicely! Two smart people-"

He cuts me off, "she's smarter than you."

"Yep, I don't like her."

He shakes his head a little and says, "how well do I know you, Noah Stornum?"

I curl up to Jack's side, and close my eyes, "very well, Jack Otens, very well."


Author's Note

ugh i don't know if this is any good. so if any readers could possibly comment, and give thoughts, that'd be fantastic! i'll love you forever <33333

-alley c:

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