Morning Glory

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Grumbling Natsu cracked open his eyes and allowed the soft morning light to filter through his eyelashes. He rolled over and noticed something was different, the sheets were still slightly warm next to him as if someone was just there. Lucy. The thought hit hike hard. 'Where is she' he wondered.

That was until he heard the retching and soft crying coming from the bathroom. 'So that's where you are Lucy, I hope you are alright.' Albeit reluctantly he slid out of the warm sheets and padded over to the bathroom. "Lucy are you alright?" he asked concern etched into his features. "Yeah, I'm alright just a little sick that's all." She responded with a weak and shakey voice. Natsu then cracked open the door and walked into the bathroom. He saw Lucy, leaning her head against the wall, eyes closed and deathly pale. He went and sat down next to her as she leaned against him putting her head into his chest.

"Lucy how long have you been sick like this?" he asked her. Gently he began to stroke her beautiful hair, smoothing it out and enjoying the feeling of it sliding between his fingers. "About a week, but its getting worse, now it lasts all day." She said miserably. She silently began to cry as Natsu rubbed her back. "Natsu I'm sorry I am putting you through this.......I'm so sorry I don't want to be a burden to you." she muttered and he stared at her in shock.

"Lucy.... you are not a burden to me. I love you...." he said as he pulled away from her and gently placed his hand on her tummy "and I love the baby we made, and there's nothing in this world that could change that." He looked up into her eyes and saw happiness in her eyes. "Thank you Natsu..." she was going to say more until her stomach growled, rather loudly. Natsu gave an amused glance and began to laugh and Lucy began to laugh softly at first until they were both laughing so hard that they could barely breath.

Pulling her to her feet he led her out of the bathroom and into the kitchen "Come on Luce lets get some breakfast!" he shouted cheerfully. After walking into the kitchen and helping Lucy down onto a chair he asked "Alright Luce what are you hungry for?" Lucy looked at him with questioning eyes. "You cook? Or do I need to worry about the house burning down?" she asked him playfully. He faked looking hurt and said "Now Lucy, do you doubt my skills as a cook? I'm actually pretty good thank you very much!" Lucy was clearly amused at this "Alright Natsu I want a cheese omelet and we will see how good you cook."

Smiling brightly he looked at her with determination. "Project omelet.....ACCEPTED." he said with authority, which Lucy knew for a fact that he was playing with her. "Lucy, just out of curiosity do you want the baby to be a boy or a girl?" he asked softly. Lucy looked at him with surprise she wasn't expecting him to bring that up. Reluctantly she answered "Natsu I don't know. I kinda want it to be a girl, you know?" Natsu looked up from his omelet and grinned. "Good because I want our baby to look just like you." Before she even had the chance to respond he set a deliciously smelling omelet in front of her.

Looking down on it her tummy rumbled again and she picked up her fork and took a little bite. 'This is by far one of the best omelets I have ever tasted!' Lucy thought. "Ohhhhh my God! This has to be the BEST omelet I have ever eaten!" Natsu gazed at her and his eyes seems to say 'I told you so'. "Natsu if you so much as even say anything along the lines of how you were right, I am throwing you sorry butt out this door!" she laughed. "Okay! Sheesh! Calm down a little! Or are we already starting the mood swing phase?" he said sarcastically. Lucy just punched him in the arm and got up and put her now empty plate next to the sink and trudged up the stairs.

"Hey Luce, where are you going?" he shouted up the stairs. "Well since were done here, we might as well go tell the rest of the guild, I mean they'll find out soon enough. Natsu stood st the bottom of the stairs and gulped ' Ohhhhhhh great, i'll never hear the end of this one!' he thought to himself. Losing himself in his thoughts he didn't notice when Lucy ran down the steps and grabbed her coat from the closet until she was tugging on his ear and pulling him out of the door. "Come on! We have to tell them sooner rather than later, and Happy probably thinks you left him for good! So lets go!" she yelled, running down the street, and Natsu not really knowing what else to do, ran after her. ' Oh this is sooooooo not going to end well!' was Natsu's last thought as he raced to catch up with her.


A/N Hey guys! sorry for the wait. Part of this chapter was somehow deleted after I published it and because of that I just tried to finish this quickly, and please tell me if the chapter didn't publish right, and I should have the next one up quickly! Thanks!

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