The Good and the Bad

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Walking into the guild, Happy came up flying to Natsu. "Where have you been! I've looked all over for you! Geez, Natsu! Do you know how worried I was?" Happy fired off once he knew that he was inside Natsu's hearing range. Natsu walked past Happy waving him off, "I was with Lucy, where else would I be?" he asked. 

Happy just stared at him and then hit himself in the face and his face went all kinds of shades of red. "Oh, well I should of known that" the cat admitted. Chuckling, Natsu went up to Mirajane and asked for some water. 

Lucy however was getting a little bit nervous, she knew that the guild would be totally surprised at this unexpected news. She knew that some people would probably make fun of her and would be totally shocked and she was honestly afraid to know of Gray's and Erza's reactions. Gray would probably flip out on Natsu and part of her really wanted to see that but the other part knew that she would be constantly berated by Gray. Even if Natsu survived Gray's reaction, she knew for sure that Erza would for sure kill him. 

Never the less, she went up to the stage and tapped on the microphone. Once she had every ones attention she turned to the bar, "Natsu, could you please come up here with me, I wanna tell the guild while every ones here." she asked politely through the microphone. He reluctantly gave into his fate and slowly lumbered to the stage. 

At this point the guild hall was completely silent, shocked into silence at Natsu's lack of argument. "Ummmmm, okay so I don't really know how to tell you guys this, so I am just going to come out and say it." she said into the microphone. "Get on with it already! I need to leave, my bills aren't gonna pay themselves!" Erza shouted out, getting her many nasty looks by the other guild members. 

Lucy blushed and cleared her throat; nervousness seeping into her every pore of her body. "Well, me and Natsu are having a baby. I'm pregnant." she let out. It was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop even from the farthest corners of the hall. Natsu put his arm around her shoulder waiting for the jests and jokes that he expected. 

Soon enough the hall was filled with people shouting questions and overall chaos. Natsu looked over at Happy, whose draw had dropped practically all the way to the floor. He was floating there and didn't move so much as a millimeter. " Natsu.........Lucy........ and baby?" Happy muttered under his breath; disbelief smeared all over his face. 

He suddenly snapped his head up at Natsu, "Your gonna be a daddy? Are you serious! Buddy that's soooo cool! I wanna be his awesome uncle!" he shouted in his excitement. However he looked over to the rest of his friends and he knew that all of the reactions were not gonna be good. Gray was passed out on the floor in nothing but his underwear again and Erza was murderous. 

She stormed up to the stage and whipped straight past Lucy, she grabbed Natsu by his scarf and pulled his face up to hers. "NATSU! Just what the hell do you think you are doing?!?!?! Do you realize that our team will have to break up cause Lucy won't be able to go anywhere while shes a bloated whale?" she yelled in his face. 

"First of all, Lucy will be beautiful! She won't be some fat person but she will have a beautiful little baby growing in her and I don't see whats wrong with that! Also I don't see why our team will have to break up! I plan on going on quests as long as I can and so is Lucy, we need all the money we can get and plus once Lucy can't go anymore we will still be the same team, it's not like Lucy was really useful anyways." He retorted angrily. 

Lucy however, heard what he said and pushed Erza out of the way. "Excuse me! So I am completely useless to you??? Geez, thanks alot Natsu! If thats what you think then I quit! I want nothing to do with you ever again, do you understand me!" she yelled in his face. She then procceded to run out of the guild with Happy flying after her. 

Lucy couldn't believe what she had just heard. Natsu, the only person who she really cared about for a long time actually thought that she was useless. She didn't understand why he would think of something like that, she felt betryaed. She heard Happy calling out for her but she just ran faster and farther away from the source of her pain. 

She got into her house and ran into her bedroom and flug herself into her bed. She curled into a ball and cryed for hours on end until she ended up making herself sick. She then threw up numerous times in the course of an hour, gagging on her constant sobs that still wracked her small chest. 

She couldn't breath, she kept gasping for air but she was unable to actually breath any in. Cramps filled her stomach, they felt like someone was stabbing he numerous times and she clutched her stomach a sudden fear clinging to her. Someting was wrong, she just knew it. 

While Lucy was in the bathroom, Happy was still flying down the street. He knew that Natsu was just angry at the way that she insulted Lucy, and that he didn't mean what he said. However, he was afraid for Lucy who clearly took it the wrong way. He knew that he needed to explain Natsu's word choice for her because Natsu would be too wimpy to do so by himself; his pride would get in the way. 

Once he got there he flew in through the front door which was still left wide open. The house was oddly quiet though, he expected to at the least hear Lucy crying. 'Well maybe she is just asleep' Happy thought. He flew up the stairs only to find Lucy's bed a mess, he looked around and saw that the bathroom door was slightly open. 

Pushing it open he was shocked by the sight in front of him. Lucy was laying on the bathroom floor, passed out laying in a puddle of blood, her hand still resting on her stomach. "Lucy! Lucy! Hey wake up! I need to know your okay! Please open you eyes!" he begged her while gently slapping her cheek. He looked at all the blood and he knew that it was obvious that she had lost the baby, due to the excessive amounts of blood that was flooding the bathroom floor. He bent his head down and kissed Lucy on her forehead. 

"Oh Luce, you didn't diserve this......... " he whispered in her ear. He simply sat with her and waited for Natsu to get here or for her to wake up, whichever would come first. The only thing that Happy could really proccess at the moment was how bad Natsu would feel when he found out that his baby was dead. He would never get to see or hear the childs first crys, her first words, her first steps, the way the child would call out 'Daddy!' when he would get back from a quest, and knowing that brought Happy to tears. 

Natsu's and Lucy's child was dead, that he was almost certain of.


Hey guys! I finally was able to write this chapter! I'm so excited that I was able to get this one out to you and I apologize that its short and I promise that the next one will be longer! Comment and vote, I l love to hear your guys opinions and what you think! Thanks!

Oh! I am also working on another story called Lost in the Wilderness, I would love to hear comments and what you guys think of that as well, thanks!


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2014 ⏰

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