Sweet Dreams a Nalu Fanfic

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( A/N: Okay! This is my first story, so I will give it a try!)

"..............The man cautiously peered around the corner, looking and searching for something that could not be seen. The air was musky and stale and the shadows seemed to dance along the corridor. The man knew of this accursed place and the tales told about its past. The man, foolish enough to try to find the jewel, never quite made it to the end of that corridor, you see all that remained was a cry in the night suddenly cut off by an unknown source. To this day the spirit of this man is said to try and kill all those who go near that house, still searching for his long lost jewel still inside.........."

Lucy let the end of the story drone on and looked up at Natsu. He looked like almost bored, "Lucy, is that the best you can do?" he asked. 'Is that the best I can do? How are you not the least bit afraid?' Lucy wondered. "Natsu, you are way to calm! I was terrified the first time I heard that story!" "Well that's because you are a wimp!" he chuckled to him-self enjoying the shocked look on her face. "Oh well thanks Natsu!" She retorted. Throwing away her blanket she walked away she stormed away from the campfire.

Natsu watched Lucy go, rather enjoying the moment. 'Ohhhhhh Lucy, do you ever give me a break? Oh well.....the facial expression was well worth it.'

"I cannot believe he would say that! How can he be so heartless?" she huffed. 'Oh well mabey I was just over reacting.........I wonder if he even cares at this point.' She walked and found a tall oak tree and sat beneath the canopy of leaves.

'Why does it have to be so cold? Mabey I shouldn't of walked off like that, especially since I don't have my blanket and I left my keys back with Natsu.' After what seemed like an endless yawn she slowly drifted off to sleep, forgetting Natsu altogether.

Natsu walked off into the forest to collect more fire wood, hoping that when he got back Lucy would be back and sleeping in her blanket. He thought about what Igneel once told him ' once you are old enough your body will call to you, you will go through many changes and you will understand what I mean when you are older.'

'I wonder what he meant by that....... ohhhh well I'll figure it out sooner or later. With an armful of wood and twigs for kindling he walked back to the campsite. Lucy was still gone, and he was starting to get worried. It had been almost two hours since she left. 'She never stays this mad for this long, I wonder if she's okay. Manet I should go look for her.'

"Lucy! Lucy where are you?!" Natsu yelled. No response. 'I wonder where she could of gone............' "Naaatttssuu......" "Lucy!" He heard her hadn't he? Looking around the tree he spotted her, lying on a pile of leaves, shaking and shivering. Her teeth were chattering and she was curled into a little ball.

"Natssuuuuuu" she mumbled. At that he felt something stir inside him a feeling he never felt before, an odd feeling......somewhat like a calling. Casting such thoughts aside he crouched down next to Lucy and gently shook her shoulders. "Lucy, wake up, we need to go back your freezing." Lucy just continued to sleep and wouldn't wake up and when Natsu touched her arm he realized just how cold she was.

He gently scooped her up in his arms and carried her back to the campsite. He layed Lucy down next to the now raging fire and covered her with her blanket. He looked at her face, her blonde hair sparkling in the firelight and the way it danced along her face. 'She looks so beautiful laying there like that, if only she would stop shivering........' He went over and sat next to her, putting his hand on her arm and gently rubbing it, trying to get the circulation going to warm her up. "Natssuuuu.......don't leave....... don't. leave me and the baby!" she stuttered out between shivers. 'Baby? Did she just say baby? She thought I would leave her?' "Lucy I would never leave you, silly."

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