03. Cupid

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Bright entered the movie site with a stoic expression. He would politely greet the staff, placing his tiny hands together in a wai.

Behind him followed Beam and Phana. They were dressed in black suits and ties, unlike their young master who wore a simple white shirt, blue jeans and carried a backpack.

Spotting Mew from afar, a smile broke across Bright's face.


Mew was talking to the director. Hearing his name called, he looked around and spotted Bright.

Bright waved excitedly when he saw that Mew was looking at him. Mew nodded happily in recognition. Excusing himself, he jogged up to Bright.

He picked up Bright, Bright rounding his arms around Mew's neck.

"What brings you here Bright?" Mew asked.

Although it was now a common sight to see Bright at the movie site, he doesn't usually come in the afternoon as he still has school.

"It is 'Bring your child to work Day'. I wanted to have lunch with you and dad. But he has a meeting and has to skip it."

Bright looked slightly forlorn. Mew was concerned about Gulf as well. It's not good to skip meals.

"How about this. The three of us go out for dinner later?"

"Really?!" Bright lit up.


Bright gave a peck on Mew's cheek. Mew peppered Bright's face with kisses, making Bright giggle.

They went to the resting area where there were refreshments. When the pair sat down on the couch, Bright opened his backpack.

"I brought lunch for you too."

When Mew opened the lunch box, he was surprised. It has all his favourite food.

The curry rice was still piping hot. Nestled under the curry were thin slices of cooked salmon. The potatoes and carrots were extremely soft, his fork easily cutting through them.


Bright grinned. "Don't underestimate a fan phi. Your favorite foods are sushi, salmon, and curry rice. You dislike pork tendon, lard, cucumber, ripe papaya, and fresh shrimp."

Bright took out a flask from his bag. "Your favorite drink is a milkshake."

Mew opened the flask. Taking a sip, he could taste the thick creamy goodness. The vanilla milkshake was topped with airy chantilly cream. Absolute heaven.

"And you do not drink coffee." Bright finished off proudly.

Mew clapped, impressed.

"Go on, try the food." Bright eagerly pushed the lunch box towards Mew while he took out his own.

Eating a spoonful, Mew's eyes widened.

"This is so good! Where did you buy this?"

"Dad made it. I helped him too! I stirred the curry." Bright said proudly.

Mew wanted to laugh. Bright was so proud for just stirring curry. But he understood why Bright didn't do more. Bright could have hurt himself if he chopped the vegetables etc.

"Does your dad cook often?" Mew asked. He took another bite. He should ask Gulf for the recipe.

Bright nodded, his cheeks puffed up like a squirrel. After finishing the food in his mouth, he replied.

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