17. So much to lose

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"G-gulf!" A wave of relief hit Mew, overwhelming him. He couldn't believe that Gulf was conscious in front of him.

Mew sat back and let the happiness soak right into his bones. He wanted the feeling to register in his mind. He closed his eyes and savoured the moment, but never released his grip on Gulf's hand.

For the first time in what seems like forever, his body and mind relaxed. In that moment, there were no thoughts of losing Gulf, of Gulf not being in his life.

He had one too many dreams of Gulf being conscious, only to wake up and realise that it was all just a dream. A pleasant, yet heartbreaking dream.

Desperately hoping that he was not dreaming, Mew opened his eyes and hesitantly touched Gulf. With trembling hands, he cupped Gulf's face. Tears streamed down Mew's face when Gulf leaned into his touch.

"I am here Mew. I am here. Sorry for making you worried." Gulf's warm brown eyes made Mew feel warm and relaxed.

If heaven is a picture in light, then the hues of Gulf's brown eyes; from caramel to cocoa, they are the place where Mew feels most comfortable.

He kissed Gulf, not minding his chapped lips. Feeling Gulf respond and even deepen the kiss, Mew felt lightheaded. His beloved is still in his life --right here, right now. And in the future as well.

After parting for air, Mew pressed a long kiss on Gulf's forehead. They smiled giddily at each other, tired yet happy.

"L-let me call the doctor and everyone else." Mew pressed the button beside Gulf's bed to call for the doctor. Fumbling with his phone, he called Gulf's parents, Pha (who was with Bright), Ming, Beam and Forth.

While they were waiting, Mew subconsciously brushed his thumb against Gulf's hand.

"Dad!" Bright burst into the room, the doctor and others following quickly.

He would have jumped onto the bed and hugged his dad tightly. But his dad was injured. So Bright settled with sitting on the edge of the bed and hugging his dad's arm.

When the doctor had to measure Gulf's hand movements, Bright pouted. He reluctantly let go of his dad's arm.

Gulf chuckled lightly at his son's cute antics. It was rare to see Bright being clingy. He was always serious, being more mature than his age.

After the doctor was done with his check up, Gulf stretched out his arms.

"Come here Bright."

Bright lit up. He crawled up onto the bed. Sitting on an empty spot, he looped his arms around his dad's neck, careful not to place any weight on him.

"I missed you dad." Bright whispered in his dad's ear.

Gulf pecked his son's hair. "Sorry for the wait. I missed you too."

After jotting down some notes, the doctor spoke.

"Gulf is recovering very well. His speech and motor responses are excellent considering he just woke up.

He will be able to get up from bed after two days. We will start his physiotherapy a week and a half later.

For now, his body can't take solid food yet. To ensure that he has the proper nutrients and is sufficiently hydrated, we will provide professionally-prepared meals. You can give him soup, smoothies, water and non-acidic fruits."

"Thank you Doctor." Layla thanked him. He gave a smile and nodded, leaving the room to give the family privacy.

Layla smacked Gulf's hand lightly, making him yelp.

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