08. Respecting Opinions

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Bright woke up. Looking around, he saw only Mew sleeping beside him.

Dad must have gone out to get breakfast.

The filming would take place at 9.00 am. Seeing how it was already 7.30, Bright decided that it was time to wake Mew up. His Phi can't be late for his first day of work.

Crawling up onto Mew, he carefully sat cross legged on Mew's broad back.

Bright giggled when he saw Mew's eyebrows start to furrow. He let out a yelp, surprised, when he felt himself turned over.

Mew swiftly turned over while ensuring Bright was safe in his arms. Sitting up against the headboard, Mew placed Bright on his lap.

"What do you think you are doing little devil?" Mew raised an eyebrow.

"Waking you up!" Bright grinned mischievously, laughing when Mew groaned.

"Morning to you too Phi." Bright pecked him on the lips, making Mew blush.

"Bright! I haven't brushed my teeth yet!"

Bright smirked. "You didn't say that to dad yesterday. I'm sure dad kissed you deeper than that."


"If you want to be my dad's boyfriend, I'm all for it. In fact, my dad is too slow. He should hurry up so that I can have you as my dad too." Bright crossed his arms and frowned, slightly annoyed with his dad.

In his opinion, his dad was too slow. Come on. The two knew each other for nearly three months, are obviously attracted to each other, yet only shared a kiss yesterday?! Bright sighed. Though it was better than nothing.

Bright snapped out of his thoughts, startled, when he felt two large hands on his hips.

"Teasing me, aren't you?" Although Mew was smiling, Bright felt nervous.

His instincts weren't wrong. Bright found himself tickled. His legs kicked the air, his arms flung wildly, yet he couldn't escape the torturous hold Mew has on him. When he finally did, he ran around the large room, Mew chasing after him.

Gulf came back and was met with laughter and chuckles from the two people he cares about the most.

He smiled tenderly, appreciating the moment before eventually stepping into the room.

"Breakfast is here." Gulf announced, stopping the two in their tracks.

Mew flushed red upon seeing Gulf. Now that the alcohol was totally out of his system, he felt shy. Not like the confident man yesterday who made out with Asia's Number One Bachelor.

Mew mentally chided himself. And you said you would be brave to love huh. Baby steps I guess.

"Morning Mew." Gulf pecked his cheek happily before bending down to peck Bright on the forehead.

"Why don't the two of you go wash up. I will set up breakfast." Gulf suggested.

Mew nodded, giving Gulf a sheepish smile before bringing Bright to the washroom.

Gulf felt happy that Mew didn't avoid him after last night. He knew that Mew was still nervous at the thought of entering into a romantic relationship. So he wanted to take things slow, even if it was against his son's wishes.

Fifteen minutes later, Bright and Mew came out of the washroom. Gulf turned around and was about to ask them whether they wanted water or juice. However, his words caught in his throat when Mew gave him a peck on his lips.

Mew pulled away, nervous about Gulf's reaction. He was pleasantly surprised to see Gulf blush. Gulf was slightly taller than him and always gave off a serious aura. To see Gulf blush because of a simple peck made Mew want to cuddle him.

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