[ Chapter 14 ]

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I changed my clothes for a casual outing to the neighbourhood  , but i will take his permission first so i went down and saw him sitting on the couch working on his precious laptop , i went before him and settled near him staring at him with needy eyes , it wasn't late when i realised i was studying his face with deep interest . His lips instantly curve upwards ad he faced me closing his laptop and putting it on the glass table with delicacy . 

"You are bored ?" he folded his legs and sat comfortably , i still gazed at him "Correct" i pulled my legs up and folded them the same way he did , he grinned lowering his face ," Can i roam around the area ?" i ask him when i instantly thought about travelling the area i am going to live in . He thinks for a while and then checks his phone , "Okay but don't go too far !" he answers satisfied and nods . 

"I will be back soon then" i quickly get up and took my shoulder bag which i made ready , knowing that he would give a positive answer ,"But don't interact with strangers" he warned , i look back and he was already having the laptop on his lap . I pinned that line on my mind and went out the door yelling " I'll be back soon" and left . 

I looked around to see a beautiful neighbourhood but there weren't much houses , i walked ahead and the rows of houses started , i looked around to people who were in their balconies talking , while i went through the people and their chatters i greeted them all and smiled at them not stopping my steps , I saw a girl standing alone with her hands resting on wooden railings which were up to her height . I quickened my steps towards her , she was glancing at something so i peeked from the wall and saw a group of llama . I decided to start a conversation so i went beside her and she instantly noticed , and greeted me with a 'hello' politely and it already makes me fond of her at once . 

"Do you live around here ?" i ask seeing that she is all alone . "No , i live a bit away from this area" she answers and gives a sweet smile , "Are you here with someone ?" i ask if she was under any supervision ."Nah , i moved here today so i just came out to look around , my parents are away so i live with my grandmother but she also spends more time with her friends near her" she shifts her gaze back to the clam llama who were grazing on the grass peacefully . 

"You don't go with her ?" i ask out of curiosity and lean on the wooden frame ,"She offers me to go along with her , but i don't have anything to do between their talks so i came to look around" she sounded so calm and satisfied with her statement , and i was surprised too that she is wandering alone . "I am y/n , i moved here today too" i extended my hand and she gracefully accepted it "I am Mia , nice to meet you" she smiles cheekily which was so loosing my control over pinching  her cheeks .

"So how old are you ?" i ask and she looks up at me with her sweet small eyes "i am seven" she sweetly states .

"You want to look around together ?" i ask her since she finds me interactive and i am glad that i am getting along with children this well , "sure" she keeps smiling and i can't help but to adore her every-time .She held my hand and we set out to explore the area more . 


We both returned to the same spot we met and stood there gazing the beautiful sunset , "I was really happy and today was the first time i had this much fun" she licked on her vanilla ice cream , I licked my strawberry ice cream "I should be saying the same thing" i smiled and she replied with the most sweetest smile . "Can i escort you to your house ?" i ask still worrying about her protection "Alright" she smiled . while we were walking she finishes her chocolate and gazes at me , "Did you dye your hair silver ?" she notices the unusual part of me , "Nope , i amm born with it" i chuckle ,"They look beautiful on you" she states smiling , i reply her with a 'thank you ' and we continued to walk her way home . She led the way to her house and i realised i had the house in the same line . She has been holding my had since the start and dragged me to her house door . 

She pressed the bell and a voice came from inside , "Who is it ?" the lady behind the door asked , Mia pressed the speaker button and stood on her toes to go near the voice mic ," Grandma , it's me and i bought a friend" the moment she called me friend my heart melted . The door opened revealing a lady in her seventies , i smiled and received the same treatment from her . 

"I actually live in the house in the same line , my house is on that side" i pointed at the direction , "So that house is yours , the one with the shade of black and brown ?" she curiously asked , "yes" i reply and she asks Mia to go inside and change . "Thank you so much for supervising her today..." she holds my hand and thanks me . "Please make sure to visit anytime" she offers and i nod with a positive reply . "I was hoping if she could visit me in the house you saw , actually i am alone too so we both can spend our time , if that's okay with you" i nervously asked cause at first i was hoping to spend more time with her and then seek for permission , but i guess she will not allow now since she won't give her grad-daughter to a stranger , she met for the first time . 

"I will surely" she smiled and again asked me to visit her anytime i reassured her that i will and i waved her bye , while i stepped out in the street i looked at her house and saw her pull up her window and wave me bye , i smiled and waved back while walking to my house . 

I reached my entrance door and was about to type the password but i couldn't since i forgot , let alone forgetting it i didn't even see it , i knocked on the door and peeked through the hole leaning on the door hoping for him to open it , there wasn't any sign of anyone , i knocked again a bit loudly . The door suddenly opened making me fall inside but a strong arms prevents me as he circled it near my breasts and helped me stand up closing the door right after it . 

His was still touching my breasts but he loosened his grip and removed his shoes , my cheeks turning red right after realising what happened . "Also , about the peek hole it's a cover so next time you could just open it and then peek and close it right after" he grabbed the bottle on the shoe stand and sipped water . "Is there something wrong with the peek-hole ?" i ask trying to forget what happened minutes ago , he turned around and brushed his fingers through his lips to wipe the water and my gaze was fixed on his lips that exact moment . 

"No , it's just , to keep the peek-hole safe so that it doesn't get dusty" explains and licks his lips and my eyes were studying his every move making my body warm and really ticklish from inside ."oh" i shake my head and followed him to the couch , once i settled he went to the kitchen to dispose off the empty plastic bottle and coming back on the couch . 

"So how the outing today ?" he starts a conversation diverting my mind from his muscle arms , "It's work a look , and i  saw the sunset too it's beautiful" i compliment my visit as he smiles and nods , i fix my eyes back on him which i swore upon to never study him , he gets up making my eyes follow him , " i forgot to tell you about  the house , there are some more rooms but if you are exhausted we can see the rooms tomorrow" he said as he took out his mobile from his pocket and checked it while i thought about his answer , "i..." i started and he took a last glance at his phone before keeping it away . "i can't wait to see more !"i excitedly state getting up leaving my small purse alone . 

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