Girl time!!!

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So it's been about 2 months of me living here and it is the best. I love everything about jersey and I made some new friends too. Nikki, Mikey and I are really close now. So one of the people I've became friends with is Jordi. She is so awesome and is really fun and crazy. And I've me some of Mikey and Nicolette's friends. But the thing is, I miss my best best best best friends. Tara and Kenneth. I miss them so much and Will and Tyler. One more thing is that I think I'm falling for Mikey. It's just how he isn't like other guys and is not all either gross, mean or one of those 'too cool to care' people. He is like...a person that is just... Omg! Like kind of a boy version of me, as in like the way we act in personality and stuff. So I know I promised to never forget the love Kenneth and I had for each other but... And yeah I said had because I'm seriously not feeling anything towards him anymore. Well right now Im walking next door to the Fusco residence. Yeah that's what I've called it since I've moved here because it just rings a bell to me. It fits. I knocked on the door and Nicolette opened the door.

Nikki: Hey girl

She pulled me into a hug as we walked into the house.

Me: Hey

Nikki:Guess what?!?!

She squealed, hopping up and down.

Me:What is it

Nikki:Mikey likes you.

She whispered it all secretly and close making sure if he was anywhere near, he wouldn't hear. I burst out laughing.

Me: There is no way that would ever happen

Nikki:Yeah! Last night he was out at the pool with all the guys and they were talking. So when I went out there to tell them they had to leave but before I walked out he was all like 'I like Jazz it's just don't know how to tell her." And I was like "Oh.Em.Gee" then I just couldn't wait to tell you

Me:You've got to be kidding

Nikki:I swear on all seriousness I am telling you the full truth of everything I heard

Me:Okay whatever you say. Where is he anyway?

Nikki:In his room go talk to him


Yes, she knows about my crush on him, if that's what you wanna call it.

Nikki:Well then you have to talk to him about it later or maybe sometime at the awesome party we're having tomorrow

Me:You're having a party and I'm just hearing of this. We need to go shopping!

Nikki:Yeah, call up Jordi then we can go

I called Jordi and gladly she picked up.


Jordi:Hey Jay

Me:Hey Jords I called you to ask if you wanted to go shopping with Nikki and I

Jordi:Yea, sure. For what?

Me:Their having a party

Jordi:And I'm just hearing about this!

Me:That's what I said but we're on our way. Be ready slow ass



We got into Nikki's car and drove to Jordi's house. Once we got her we headed off to the mall. As soon as we got into the mall we ran into forever 21. We all got couple of things and tried them on. Once we were all satisfied with what we had we paid and left. For the rest of the day we were playing, shopping and doing random stuff all over the mall. We left around 6 o'clock. Jordi and I decided to just sleepover at Nikki's house. We pulled up the driveway and when we walked into the house we were dying with laughter because Jordi fell coming into the house. How do you trip over a flat surface? Nikki unlocked to door and we all walked in. Mikey was sitting on the couch with some of the boyz and they were playing some game. Jordi ran in front of the tv and started screaming, causing them all to start screaming. Nikki and I were just laughing. Ahhhh, I love my wonderful friends. Even though I kind of miss my BEST friends

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