Chapter 55

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I wondered why I didn't feel more intruded upon. He had essentially gotten the scoop on me without asking my permission, but it wasn't like it was against the law to ask around about a girl. Though, it could be a lot more than just that depending on his next words.

He must have known that, because he took a few moments to consider his words. Thankfully, only the butler had remained behind in the dining room to serve us.

By now, the sun had long set and a glittering sky framed the flowers and trees of the garden displayed outside the dining room window. There was a white and blue statue of something across the grass that I had been looking at throughout dinner, but I still couldn't figure out what it exactly was.

"Would you like to move to somewhere more comfortable to sit?" he asked. "You said you liked the settee. And it has gotten chilly in here."

Has it? But even as I thought that, I noticed my hands had gotten a little veiny and purple with cold.

"That sounds nice."

"I'll prepare some tea," said the butler from behind, bowing, before I heard the click of the door.

I got up before Roman could reach my seat, probably to help me up like a proper gentleman, but my legs worked just fine, thank you, and my dress wasn't anything to warrant the need for such courtesy. He seemed to wilt a little, but didn't express any displeasure.

"Don't worry, I will answer your question. I just noticed your hands. I should have considered that before I got too carried away in our conversation. I apologize."

"You do realize I've been living in a place for the last six months where a man is considered polite if he doesn't grope me or ask me lewd questions, right?"

His pale face flushed. "Why would you—"

"So you realize I'm not going to notice you not rushing me to a warm place at the drop of a dime. That being said," and I tried to express my friendliness towards him in my face, as I feared I had just insulted him. "I appreciate your thoughtfulness. Every bit of it. You've been very sweet, thank you."

He looked away with a light cough into his fist, the flush spreading to his ears.

"To think you've managed to put up with such a place..." he muttered.

"It's not so bad. The regulars help keep hands off me. I'm good friends with one in particular whose pretty mean and big looking, so most times just a look from him is enough to get people to leave me alone." Most people, I thought dryly, as the bard cropped up in my head. I gave a light groan.

"Are you alright?" he suddenly asked, all gentile concern.

"Yeah. Just remembered something back home I'd rather forget. Someone who doesn't get a hint."

He said nothing, though his mouth thinned a bit.

Back in the cozy green sitting room, I settled back onto the couch and he onto the armchair. The fire was going just as strong as it had when we had left.

"In answer to your question," he said, his tone taking on a new, softer quality. "I know you have no family to speak of, or, at least any that can be found. I know you were married once before, but that your husband left you for reasons we need not speak of, as you've told me yourself, and that you see your apprentice as an adopted son." The corner of his mouth rose wryly. "Though he does not share your sentiments, though that was readily apparent in his letter."

I instantly blanched. "Oh god, what did he tell you?"

"Nothing you need worry about. Only that I need to be aware that you'll only ask for things that will benefit him without thinking of yourself, which, so far, has been proven true. I also know that you are not of this country, but anything prior to the Red Swallow Inn has yet to be found, which tells me two things: you are either very good at covering your tracks, at a skill level that not even my power and money can track, or..." he paused. "A level of magic unheard of has been used to transport you here. That being said, I have yet to look into other countries, but seeing as we're in the midst of a war with the nearest country, not to mention Livitia is very inland, new info could come out soon, but I'm not that rude to dig up a past you'd rather I not see."

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