[231] 3 Life Passions

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3 Life Passions

1. Uplifting Others

It feels good to be able to be there for others in their lowest point in life and support them. I believe that when you help others in times when they need it can make their lives bearable. You don't want to be the cause of their sadness.

2. Learning

I love learning new things through reading books. I'm fond of learning languages and my goal in life has been to be fluent in Korean, Japanese and Chinese. Unfortunately, I remained stuck with it and still trying to achieve this goal. Anyway, learning can be so fun and challenging. You just have to be motivated and persistent.

3. Writing

I've always wanted to be an author and be able to publish books. However, I still don't have any idea of what to write about that is significant and can help people. I do write poetry, short stories, positive affirmations and random things but I don't have the niche yet. I'm still figuring that out. I'm hoping that someday I will be able to write something that can change or make an impact on someone's life.

Yuchae Moon

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