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~Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to not keep to her medical routine? Anyway, Liora puts her idea from the night before in action and does her enema~

The next day is not quite as exciting as the first one, naturally, but there are still some new things to see for Liora. For example does she get the chance to see the specialists during their training. She enjoys watching them, remembering her fence-lessons at home and asks if she can try. Although she is inferior, she is fast and has great fund. From the specialists she hears about the burned-ones for the first time. These are dangerous creatures who infect their victims when they get through the skin and the only way to stop the infection is killing the burned-one that caused it. Thankfully, there haven't been any sightings of these monsters in over 16 years. And, as Terra adds, the school is extra protected by a barrier. Still, the thought of it makes Liora shudder.

At lunchbreak, while Aisha takes her second swim for the day, Liora quickly puts all necessary medical supplies for the night in one of her bags and hids them under her bed. Then she joins the others outside for their next lesson by the greenhouse with Professor Harvey. It's quite interesting how many different plants grow there, some unknown to the first-world and every plant has a purpose. Terra, as earth-fairy is able to let them grow and do some really beautiful work with her magic. Liora thinks, when she observes her and thinks about her other suite-mates: Stella keeps mostly to herself. She keeps the other at a safe distance through her snarky comments. The only one, who seems to know her better and who she is close with, is her boyfriend, Sky. Musa is, without her headphones, very outgoing and a fun person to talk to and do things with. She uses her headphones to protect herself from all the different emotions she, as a mind-fairy can feel from the people surrounding her. Aisha is certainly the most sensible of their group, but also ambitious and expects a lot from herself. Liora comes to the conclusion that she is lucky having them as roommates, although she is still far away from feeling ready to let them know her secret.

During the afternoon lessons she begins to notice feeling bloated, which makes her nervous. Suppose her body rips one of his long farts or worse she is having an accident in front of everybody? With these thoughts going through her mind, Liora falls silent and tries to distance herself from her friends a bit. She knows her thoughts are irrational, because a fart is only natural and the last accident was years ago, when she simply wouldn't do her enema during the school trip and that was 5 whole days. Still, she is looking forward to the night. At dinner she doesn't eat much due to her upset stomach and is glad when the day comes to an end and everyone is getting ready for bed.
She lies awake patiently keeping herself occupied with repeating school work in her head and listening to the noises surrounding her.

Finally, when she is absolutely sure that everyone is sound asleep she stands up. As quiet as possible she takes her bag with the equipment she needs and sneaks downstairs and to the part of the building where the classrooms and more importantly, the toilets she intends to use are. She fills the synthetic-bag for the enema with water and then chooses one of the toilets and does her bowel-managment. To pass the time on the toilet she watches a series on her mobile phone. Finally, after more than an hour she is finished with her bowel-washout. Now she is looking at the used supplies and for a way to get rid of them. She decides to use one of the hygiene-bags intended for menstrual-products and puts them inside before throwing it in the garbage. Quickly she then puts everything back in her bag, cleans everything up, opens the window and makes her way back to bed. She's tired, the enema has exhausted her even more and she is glad to be able to go to sleep, finally.

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